Pet Peeves

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Laura M

Blue Crack Addict
Jun 6, 2002
I hate when people sit too close to you and you can smell their breath or feel them breathing on your face :slant:

It really creeps me out :crack:

My sisters boyfriend has the WORST breath and I was stuck with him for an hour today and he sat too close to me and I felt really sick - really words cannot describe how bad it is. :|

And my french tutor he breathed on me because he was standing really close to me when I was talking to him and I turned up my nose and looked totally horrified :eek:

:uhoh: Im such a freak :uhoh:
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I know how annoying is that... I don't like when someone is behind me and breathing loud like Dark Vader... it sounds very paranoic but I feel chased when that happens... :uhoh:
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I hate it when people don't use their blinkers or forget to turn them off...not that my boyfriend does that or anything...:mad: :banghead:

I hate it when people don't knock before entering...or they do knock and then enter before I can say whether or not to come in...not that my mother would ever do that or anythig...:mad: :banghead:
my pet peeve is when people tap me when they have something to say to me.

i'm serious. it infuriates me.
one time, a patron tapped me on the shoulder and i nearly lost it.

never, ever tap me. :mad:
Eek... bad breath... :no:

I hate it when people stand too close to talk to me, and any invasion of my personal space for that matter... :shifty:
*makes a note never to tap bg to get her attention*

i have many pet peeves.
didn't take me long to think of one

the sound of motor engines

fuck 'em all

annoying bastards going ZROOOOOM ZZZ ZROOM on the roads at 3 am at night on their fucking Harleys
When I turn on my indicator to say that I need to change lanes, my exit is coming up soon, that's not an indication to speed up so I can't get in front of you. It ALWAYS happens!
I hate it when I see people:

a) spit on the street (and I witnessed that this morning from a full grown man, not just some punk teenager)
b) don't lift their feet when they walk

I also used to get really irked when I lived at home and the phone would ring, I would answer it, and then call my brother. His response would be "WHAT?".... what the hell did he think I wanted only 10 seconds after the phone rang. GGrrr!
I too hate people that spit on the street. :shakesfist:

I also hate singers that aren't from America that sing in an American accent. EVERYBODY seems to do it. Robbie Williams is a particular offender. As are most crappy boy / girl bands :grr:

interesting... americans don't really have one accent... those from boston, new york, the midwest, texas and calli all have decidedly different accents :shrug: would like to know what those not from the US consider to be the "american" accent.


my pet peeves
-fake people
-friends who can't hold their liquor but try to keep up anyway, causing me to end my night early so i can drag their dumb asses through the streets of manhattan, throw 'em on a train back to the island, only for them to start puking at jamaica station, causing me to take him off the train, and then pay a car service 70 bucks to get us to the train station where his car is parked, which of course i have to drive home because he's bombed... not that that happened this past saturday night or anything... :scratch: :evil:
There's not enough space to list all my pet peeves here :D

*people who go go concerts just to talk/get drunk, and ruin it for others

*people who have to be the center of attention-ditto for egomaniacs, people who are two- faced, backstabbing, etc

*people who talk and kick your seat at movies..also those who put their feet up on the seats, talk on their cell phones. If you want to act like you're at home stay at home..

*people you barely know who ask you personal questions-bugger off :D

*when vending machines eat your money or the thing gets stuck

*people who hit you w/ their big clunky shopping bags at the mall

*when you go into a store and they follow and/or badger you. One of these days I'm going to say " I'm not a shoplifter, and if I need your help I'll ask for it" I know they're just doing their job but it's annoying

*small talk anchorperson chitchat on the news
Loud noises :mad:

messy kitchens and bathrooms :barf:

rude, petty people :down:

Headache in a Suitcase said:
interesting... americans don't really have one accent... those from boston, new york, the midwest, texas and calli all have decidedly different accents :shrug: would like to know what those not from the US consider to be the "american" accent.

I always wondered this too, until I moved here. I think it's just something that you know when you hear it. There is a general American accent. It's just like Americans say "English accent" when regional accents here sound completely different as well.
Spitting on the street makes me :barf:

People who whistle songs ... for some reason it gets under my skin.

Rude clerks in stores; clerks who are overattentive

Crusty reporters/editors who take their frustrations out on pr people
MrsSpringsteen said:

*when you go into a store and they follow and/or badger you. One of these days I'm going to say " I'm not a shoplifter, and if I need your help I'll ask for it" I know they're just doing their job but it's annoying

I got mistaken for a shoplifter last year. I was really ill with a tonsil infection and was getting my prescription from Rite Aid. It was going to be 10-15 minutes before it was filled, and since I was ill and Rite Aid was a 15 minute walk each way from my apartment, I decided to just wait there. I sat there for about five minutes, and then decided to walk around and see if there was anything I wanted to buy. I noticed that a security guard was following me :angry:, and after a few minutes he came up to me and said, "How old are you?" :eek:. I told him I was 22 and he obviously didn't believe me and said, "Where do you live?" I told him it was about 15 minutes away and then said, "I'm waiting for a prescription" and he just said, "Oh" and walked away. I was SO pissed off. :rant:
OK. One more, I hate when mothers (usually mothers) are trying to "control" their child by saying "I'm going to count to three - one, two, three. Ok now, what did I say? Put that away. Do you want me to count to three? What did I say Jennifer, put that away, Honey, mommy wants you to put that away..." Blah Blah Blah The child is practically laughing in your face! Come up with a different method already!
Ohhh here's a good one thats close to my heart... Asshat bus drivers who drive right on past you standing at the bus stop in the rain when their bus is empty. :rant:

Or how about university students who, rather than walking 10 minutes to go down 4 stops, wait for 15 minutes for a bus, push and shove to get on in front of you, just to 'save time and effort', and then have to push you out of the way to get off the bus because they chose to be first on and be right in the middle rather than near a door. Ohhh or how about university students who, rather than walking 10 minutes to go those same 4 stops fill up an entire bus collectively so taht they can all get off before the route is even 1/8th over, whereas I need to ride it all the way to the end. Is that selfish of me? Sure it is. But theyre being more selfish, lazy asses. *resentment*

Another thing that irritates me is people who are chatting with you, say 'BRB' and then disappear, perhaps for days or even weeks at a time. If youre leaving, say youre leaving, not that youll be right back, as that tends to imply immediacy - if you wouldnt say "be right back" to one of your friends after a day at school or work, when you go home and eat, sleep, and then spend another full day at work, then what could possibly compel you to use it online?

People who wake me up while Im napping in the student lounge to ask if I have my text book/the page in the textbook bookmarked so they dont have to get theirs out of their bag - guy or girl, I dont care, it still bugs me. If Im sleeping, and Im not going to be late for something, for the love of all that is holy, dont wake me up. Being woken up in general :mad:
Im a model student I could get 2 buses one from uni into town but I walk into town to get my bus home :angel: It takes me 20 minutes and my hands were so cold today my skin got really cracked and bled :ohmy:

I couldnt walk home from town it takes 30 mins on the bus :laugh:
i can't stand it when people tell me what to do when i already know what to do, and the people telling me what to do KNOW i know what to do. i hope that didn't confuse y'all. :madspit: :madspit: :mad: :mad:
i also can't stand it when i'm driving with my mom in next to me and i'm listening to some of my favorite songs and she's singing along totally out of tune with her extremely annoying voice, and if i try and turn up the music to drown her out she sings louder!
Dear Ms. Grocery Clerk at Ralphs:

Please, just scan my items and give me the total...unless you are paying for my groceries, I don't need a running commentary on what I'm buying. I appreciate your friendliness but it embarrases me when you pick things up and make comments about them.

Thank you.

*an example...

clerk picks up item and examines it closely and says:

"Oh, do you really like those crackers? I thought they were kind of gross myself"

clerk picks up magazine and scans the cover for 30 seconds or so and says:

Oh my God, look at how horrible she looks...has she gained weight or WHAT?"

:crack: :crazy:
People that dont watch where they are driving and almost plow into you

People that try to squeeze in between a parked car and your car when you are trying to back out of a parking space

People that have to scream their heads off during a group project so that everyone in the whole freaking class can hear what their group is doing

People that dress up as album covers ie girl in Eng tried to recreate the "Born in the USA" cover

People that dress the way certain people just to dress that way not bc they actually hold the same beliefs ie same girl in Eng dressed up "Gothic" bc she thought it was cool too

People that dont use their blinkers and then slam on their brakes to make a turn cause you to slam on your brakes

People that think they know everything and argue that they are right then when they are proven wrong they get all pissed and say oh well thats what I meant

*think that is enough for now! :wink:
i'd have to say bad breath as well.
can't these people smell it?! pop a tic tac for god's sake!
Headache in a Suitcase said:
-friends who can't hold their liquor but try to keep up anyway, causing me to end my night early so i can drag their dumb asses through the streets of manhattan, throw 'em on a train back to the island, only for them to start puking at jamaica station, causing me to take him off the train, and then pay a car service 70 bucks to get us to the train station where his car is parked, which of course i have to drive home because he's bombed... not that that happened this past saturday night or anything... :scratch: :evil:

Was that me?? Soooo sorry......

KIDDING:) Happy Birthday....see ya Friday night!

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