People are Idiots...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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My last day of work was brilliant! The kids of whom I spoke of yesterday was supposed to work again with me today. I showed up...and he was LEAVING!!! Someone had switched with him!

People are awesome. :D


Hopefully he will get a major comeuppance at some point. And I hope the whole story gets back to you when it does! :wink:
The av's stayin. Got a problem, you can take it up with my dog! He might not discriminate between this ball and your balls, harhar
I'm one of those really stupid people that loses things. Well, I wouldn't leave a laptop lying about but I accidentally forget things all the time. I have left my handbag in a few places before. :reject: I try not to carry valuables with me because I'm so prone to forgetting things.

The first time I ever travelled alone - I should have been going away with a friend - my Dad was giving me a lecture at the airport about watching my passport and not losing it because it would be like me to do something daft like that. About two minutes later there was an announcement for me to go to the information office. I thought I might have won a prize or something :lol: It was actually because someone had handed in my passport because I'd left it at the till in a shop while paying for something. :eek: :reject:
Woo! Malinois! I love those dogs. They're actually really sweet. Even when they're trained to do police work. I tell you, they're great to work with when you have to clip nails and whatnot. You don't have to pin them to the table. They will sit there and just stare at you like, "Stop it already." But that's about it.

Heh - I'm one of those people who loses things regularly. But leaving a laptop next to an exit is just asking for it to get taken. And a cellphone. Jeez.
I had a guy who brought back his laptop and demanded a refund because he couldn't get eBay to work :huh:
Today another brought their's in because the internet was slow. And wanted to know if we swap it for another machine after the manufacturer's warranty expires.

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