Penguin, Tasmania Superthread

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I don't like dogs at all. Besides the fact I'm way too sensitive to dog hair and end up with asthma and a runny nose whenever I'm around most breeds, I find them to be dribbly doofuses or just plain daft. I'm willing to make exceptions some of the time for jack russells and border collies.

Cats, on the other hand? I adore cats so much. I'm not sure I could bring myself to have one again, but I adore them.
a) Scare the shit out of me
b) REEK to high heaven
c) Are dumb as arse.

I would never get a dog. And I hate it when I go to people's houses and they seem to think I'm going to ENJOY getting mauled by their horrible old dog and then won't call it off. Gah. :mad:
Proof that someone working for the meter installation company has a sense of humour...

At work, we sometimes get emails from the installers telling us that a meter is faulty, or a particular house has some sort of hazard associated with it... one email yesterday said that the guy noted a major trip hazard which was very hard to avoid, and attached a photo... of a fluffy white and grey cat. :lol:
a) Scare the shit out of me
b) REEK to high heaven
c) Are dumb as arse.

I would never get a dog. And I hate it when I go to people's houses and they seem to think I'm going to ENJOY getting mauled by their horrible old dog and then won't call it off. Gah. :mad:

THIS. I'm wary of any large dog dribbling/clambering all over me, and they're consistently thick as shit. I realise cats are usually just using you for food and shelter, but at least they're smart, can feign adorable affection, and DON'T GODDAMN DRIBBLE EVERYWHERE.

I wish all dogs were as well trained and well mannered as guide dogs. Then I might reconsider my attitude.
Could this get any better? I thought so...


What to do? Oh yes. CHOCOLATE...
Proof that someone working for the meter installation company has a sense of humour...

At work, we sometimes get emails from the installers telling us that a meter is faulty, or a particular house has some sort of hazard associated with it... one email yesterday said that the guy noted a major trip hazard which was very hard to avoid, and attached a photo... of a fluffy white and grey cat. :lol:

Oh that's excellent. :laugh:
Dogs are doofuses Ax, that's kinda the part I like. I find them too much effort though. Would feel constantly guilty for leaving them in the yard at night and don't have the steeliness to discipline one properly.

Cats, well you know my feeling on cats.
I think that ... at least half of my female friends have "crazy cat lady" as one of their ambitions in life.

What does this say about me.
Are you serious? It is one of the best things ever :drool::drool:

It's perfectly bland! The ice cream neutralises the chips and makes it an utterly pointless endeavour. If I want to waste chips, sure! But I like my chups, bro.
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