Pearl Jam's best album is....

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No Code never really seemed that good.
If I had to choose:
Ten is the most complete but I've been listening to Vs. alot lately and there is just something about that record. So it's between those two and I have to say Ten is the better record.
Though my personal favorite is Vitalogy. :wink:
listen to No Code again, its amazing

the first 6 songs are all delicious, and the back half of the album aint too shabby either

sometimes :drool:
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I feel that the first five PJ albums are all totally solid. My personal fave is Ten, but that's only because it has a great deal of sentimental value to me (having gotten me through adolescence). But the four that followed are all so good in different ways.

But yes, I can see why No Code could be the best because it's probably the most rewarding album in their catalog. Something that just becomes a richer and richer listening experience each time, not unlike New Adventures In Hi-Fi by R.E.M.
Vitalogy, followed by No Code.

Vitalogy was a brilliant "fuck you" to the entire music industry, even showbusiness in general. It is basically a raw concept album, with masterpieces like Immortality, Corduroy and Nothingman on it.
Rock songs are lifted to a near punk level - Spin the Black Circle, Not For You, Whipping, Satan's Bed... all brilliant.
Yes, the fillers can be annoying sometimes, but Bugs is amazing. Much more layered and smarter than one could think.
Lyrically as well, it is by far Pearl Jam's best.
I actually think Ten is overrated and outdated. Their others have held up better.

As far as the best, I'd have to listen to Vs., Vitalogy and their new one again to make a decision. No Code and Yield have great songs, too.
1. vs.
2. no code
3. vitalogy
4. ten
5. pearl jam
6. yield
7. riot act
8. binaural

although on any given day that order can switch significantly... which is why i baisicly just stick to listening to bootlegs
1. No Code
2. Yield
3. Vs
4. Ten
5. Pearl Jam
6. Vitalogy
7. Binaural



8. Riot Act (5/6 great songs and then lots of suckers.)

binaural is SO much better than RA. Binaural gets a bit boring after some listens but it's definitely a gem. breakerfall, light years, nothing as it seems, of the girl, grievance, insignificance are all :drool: and the the magic three last tracks: sleight of hand, soon forget and parting ways... :drool:
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greenlight7-11 said:

But yes, I can see why No Code could be the best because it's probably the most rewarding album in their catalog. Something that just becomes a richer and richer listening experience each time, not unlike New Adventures In Hi-Fi by R.E.M.


I concur!
No Code has always been a favorite, especially since the only time I've gotten a chance to see them live was on that album's tour.

Vs. and Vitalogy tend to get played more than the others for me, along with the latest album. But that's just lately...
mikal said:
i can't even rank them. i love them all equally.
Would have to agree with this sentiment as well.
Lately I've been listening to the new album more than any other, but each has at one time or other been the favored album, as well as "Lost Dogs".
Lately, I've been on a Binaural kick. It was an album I largely ignored for a long time, but it has some fantastic songs that get better with each listen. It also contains one of the worst PJ songs ever....Evacuation. I love listen to this album with headphones on. Playing it on a stereo just doesn't do it any justice.

The album I haven't spun in a long time is Ten. I think it is the fact that a lot of those songs have been overplayed. Plus, I get a good dose of Ten material on the live boots....which I listen to more than any of their studio albums. :drool:
The OOTS said:
Lately, I've been on a Binaural kick. It was an album I largely ignored for a long time, but it has some fantastic songs that get better with each listen. It also contains one of the worst PJ songs ever....Evacuation. I love listen to this album with headphones on. Playing it on a stereo just doesn't do it any justice.

I love Binaural. Light Years, Grievance,'s all good stuff. It's also Matt Cameron's official drumming debut on a PJ album.

It's interesting that a few people here have mentioned how great the album sounds with headphones. From what I recall, it was actually engineered that way, using binaural mics (hence the album title). It really adds an extra dimension to bluesy songs like Nothing As It Seems and Rival :drool:
Just listened to No Code on my way to work... What a fantastic album! It has everything... slow acoustic rock, blazing guitars, punk, experimental eastern influenced material... simply amazing! And to think none of this was on the radio or TV... EVER! so so underrated! Yeah, No Code is my favorite I think. Ten is no more than a sentimental favorite cos it came out at the most interesting time of my life.

edit: Binaural is the only one I don't have yet.
i just saw this in an online only interview with eddie on that i must have passed over... thought it was funny

Do you ever wish that you'd embraced the machine more? If you had even more of the spotlight on you, if you had completely gone for it and embraced it, then maybe you'd have more power to speak out politically. Do you ever think about that kind of thing?

I tell ya. I had the chance. I just didn't take the bait. Believe me, we put ourselves out there, with Nader, and whatever it is, as much as we can. But as a band we know our limits and as a human I certainly know my limits. I just have this deep kind of connection to reality of being like... in a way, I feel like a dock worker. I want to stay in connection with my dock-worker side, 'cause that's how I grew up...I'm not ready to be that guy who can meet with world leaders and all that. It's tremendous what Bono does. I don't know if I could do it, not the way he does. I don't think many people could. The physicality of what Bono does, the physicality of like, meeting with Mitterrand and then going and playing Sweden that night, and then more shows after that... I've told him that I was in awe of what he did, not only what he accomplished, but how he fuckin' did it, from the point of taxing his body. I told him this, and he kind of raised his eyebrows and asked for another drink. [Laughs]
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