Paphuahua's and echidnas

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 1, 2000
I have decided my beloved small fluffy dog is a Paphuahua...I just have to find a female Paphauhau for him to marry.(he's keen)
I took him for a walk yesterday evening ( got to get a walkman)and saw an echidna up ahead on the track for the first time in ages. The dog didn't notice it until he was right beside it and it moved. he leapt vertically , followed by a well-executed mid-air spin. It was so funny, they were the same size and the same colour. The dog was fascinated and terrified at the same time and the echidna just dug in. At last my big dof has matured and doesn't do that ear-splitting bark. he has/had a different bark for each animal. I can usually tell what kind of animal he has noticed by his bark.
Anyway. as always , it is a delight to find an old friend again. Most of the animals are migratory(within a small range) and seasonal. Each year it is like ..."will the black cockatoos be back, will the emus return? " So good
btw echidna = spiny ant eater, montreme, mammal, Aussie characters I care about.
and I own a German Crocweiller Snake Hound
and a Pahuahua....
one of my favourite phrases...
"do you two want to go for a walk? C'mon"

My goodness, here's the white's a ZOO out there.
I love it!!!
I'd like to get a dog for my family...not sure what kind. I'm leaning towards a beagle right now, I like how they look. Soooo cute.
I took this from my car window yesterday

some friends of mine
seeeeeeeeeee, nothing! IO...I have no friends

now that is what is missing?
has the attachment function been removed?

well obviously!!............bummer
ahh well
cie la vie , vavavavoom, so mote it be.

hi nellie, beagles are fine dogs, I heard a radio vet highly recommend them as trustworthy family you want to hear what else he said? he was and Aussie radio vet...
that if you see a dog in the headlights that has upended a garbage bin and is munching's probably a beagle AND the males are the randiest dogs on earth ( remember,he said that , not me. I seriously thought Paphuahuas had that honour)
Whatever you get...daisy will:love: it with all her heart. Nothing like a dogfriend. my eldest son came home for a visit yesterday and said he wishes he could take Gustovox home with him. Not possible.
I own about the biggest dog you can get and the smallest dog you can get. My Pahuahua is the first really small dog I have owned.....and I :heart: him, his personality, his vigour(Gus has a lot of health problems....$$$:( ) how easy it is to bath him, how cheap he is to feed. It's apersonal choice , but i will never own a big dog again after Gustovox leaves me ( which will probably be during 2003, I can't let him suffer...the big lovely doofus)

"gussy, why do you have to be so fussy?
cause after all
you're just a little ball...
of fur" sung to the tune of Wonderwall

What about a greyhound? I have just met our Greyhound Adoption Programme workers....they truly are beautiful dogs imho.They would deserve agood long run a couple of times a week,.....but then so does a beagle.
I do now believe when it comes to canines...small is beautiful

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