Panoramics/crowd/arial shots

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 20, 2005
Hull, UK
can we have some wide angled pics of crowds at the concerts and arieal shots looking into the stadiums please :drool:
Rome 2005

The best crowd shots/widest angles I got :(

Hawaii '06


Chicago, May '05

Cleveland, Dec '05

St. Louis, Dec. '05
tpsreports2424 said:

Do you have anymore pics from that show??

If you do can you PLEASE post them??:)

Yes I have. But they are at my parents house and I will have to scan them. Also they're not the best quality but I'll post them anyway when I get back home on Friday afternoon. :wink:
I love these shots too. Some of them boggle the mind with just how many people turn up in one city alone to show their admiration for these guys.

I took this one after the show in Portland 12-19-05.

I love these. And Lies, I love your photos too. I have to find my prints of your photos :drool:

This is the only one I could find on short notice. From Hawaii 2006


it was early - it might even be Lies' photo :shifty:
A personal favorite, I have no idea what show, or who shot it, but it's a gorgeous desktop on my computer :drool:

onebloodonelife said:
A personal favorite, I have no idea what show, or who shot it, but it's a gorgeous desktop on my computer :drool:

This one is awsome! thanks for posting it!
bonocomet said:

I agree with your comment , it must be such an amazing head rush for our guys when they play to the huge crowd !!!

thanks hcb , for the great Popmart pic . :drool:
dvd . :hyper:

Lies , beautiful pics , I saved a few from a thread you posted them in a while back .
love your B&W crowd shot . :love: thanks for sharing .
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