Which U2 songs make you think of pain, or overcoming pain?
1. With or without You - Bono's whistful voice, and Edge's ringing guitar just brings about the feeling of internal emptyness and misery. I listen to this song when I cut myself.
2. Wake Up Dead Man - so mournful "I'm alone in this world, and a fucked up world it is too." So poetic.
3. When I Look at the World - Everything about this song hurts me.
4. MLK - I don't know why. The way bono sings in this, just sounds like he's hurting.
5. So Cruel - this is possibly the most bitter tasting song I've ever known. "THe men who love you you hate the most, they pass right through you like a ghost." Its just so full of hurt feelings and pain.
6. Mother's of the Disappeared - this song is deeply painful, on a more subtle, and yet more obvious level. Don't ask me how that works.
Overcoming pain
1. Scarlet - so simple, yet so inspiring.
2. Stuck in a Moment
3. Walk On - Just look at the Title. "And I know it aches how you heart it breaks, you can only take so much." It feels like Bono is speaking to me and me only when he sings this song.
4. Luminous Times. Don't know why.
5. Everybody Hurts (by REM). Every word of this song is just perfect. Its so simple. It was written by Michael Stipe to teenagers contemplating suicide, and I can really feel he cares. The message is just so wonderful. And the video just makes my heart burn.
Watch More TV, ITs your world you can change it, taste is the enemy of art, Every thing you know if wrong, mock the devil, and he will flee from thee
1. With or without You - Bono's whistful voice, and Edge's ringing guitar just brings about the feeling of internal emptyness and misery. I listen to this song when I cut myself.
2. Wake Up Dead Man - so mournful "I'm alone in this world, and a fucked up world it is too." So poetic.
3. When I Look at the World - Everything about this song hurts me.
4. MLK - I don't know why. The way bono sings in this, just sounds like he's hurting.
5. So Cruel - this is possibly the most bitter tasting song I've ever known. "THe men who love you you hate the most, they pass right through you like a ghost." Its just so full of hurt feelings and pain.
6. Mother's of the Disappeared - this song is deeply painful, on a more subtle, and yet more obvious level. Don't ask me how that works.
Overcoming pain
1. Scarlet - so simple, yet so inspiring.
2. Stuck in a Moment
3. Walk On - Just look at the Title. "And I know it aches how you heart it breaks, you can only take so much." It feels like Bono is speaking to me and me only when he sings this song.
4. Luminous Times. Don't know why.
5. Everybody Hurts (by REM). Every word of this song is just perfect. Its so simple. It was written by Michael Stipe to teenagers contemplating suicide, and I can really feel he cares. The message is just so wonderful. And the video just makes my heart burn.
Watch More TV, ITs your world you can change it, taste is the enemy of art, Every thing you know if wrong, mock the devil, and he will flee from thee