Opening Acts 2010 - Lenny Kravitz, Interpol, The Fray and more

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Hah , you saw Bruce Springsteen two? I actually Tought that Bruce, Elbow, Volbeat , and the killers and snow patrol where the best of the whole festival.

Bruce was GREAT!!! Franz Ferdinand, Keane & The Rifles were my favorites. I missed most of Elbow but what I heared sounded good. Keane made my day with playing Under Pressure :)
Glasvegas - can't wait!
Elbow - as much as i try, i cannot find them anything but dull

Oh, and Snow Patrol - the songs are ok, Gary is a nice guy - but cannot carry the songs live. Poor singer.
Guys, be honest...BEP are going to seriously fuck up the show, in a good way. Forget how much we all hate Fergie or can you not like this shit? Live? On U2's sound system inside the awesomeness of the Claw?? It's gonna be wicked, imo:

YouTube - Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow"

2:00 onwards :drool:

This is cool too, in a poppy way:

YouTube - Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling"

"tonights gonna be good night" - they SO wrote that for a U2 show! ;)

They do use autotune, though, so there's that to hate I guess ;)

I STILL think U2 missed the boat with not brining K-oS, however :sad:
At 7:30 of this interview on youtube Gene Simmons claims he has the showbiz clout/power to book opening acts for U2.
YouTube - Gene Simmons on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos

he's a BS-ing sleazebag, but the whole interview is interesting because that's how record execs talk to perspective bands they want to sign. Those bands he signed will get 6 months in the limelight and vanish.
I don't see the BEP going over very well. And I can't see their music translating to stadiums either. Throw in the fact it will be 1/2 empty when they play and the acoustics may sound worse.
Ever been to Ultra / Winter Music Festival? Mind you, BEP aren't as mind blowing as the best DJs in the world, but...all I'm sayin is, it doesn't have to be "Stadium Rock" to work in a stadium/large venue..
how can you not like this shit?

Oh, I can very easily not like it.

I checked out some of the new BEP songs in the hopes that I'd find them in line with the dumb fun pop dance music I proudly love.

Not so much. Boom Boom Pow isn't that bad, it's got the dumb fun thing going for it, but I can say with complete honesty that I thought everything else I heard was crap.

I am, however, willing to give the songs another chance or two if I come across them. I heard "Imma Be" on So You Think You Can Dance last week, and I still thought it was awful.


That being said, I remain hopeful that when it comes down to it, I'll be so damned excited just to be there I'll enjoy them at least a little bit anyway. And still hoping for a few Fergie solo songs, as those I actually like. ;)
ill enjoy the BEP even though id rather see muse. im full of guilty pleasures and dancing to top 40 is one of them ;)
I was really surprised and disappointed that I didn't like the songs more - I mean, seriously, I have the highest tolerance for Big Dopey Pop/Dance songs of anyone I know! ;)
I like that boom boom pow. Them chickens jackin' my style. That's about it though. Not a big fan.

I still don't get how BEP can open for U2. The music is so completely different. They are from two different worlds. :huh:
Hey guys, question for ya!

How were the Kings of Leon when the opened for U2? Apparently they had a blast touring with them...
I still don't get how BEP can open for U2. The music is so completely different. They are from two different worlds. :huh:

Well, it's not the first time that U2 had support acts from different musical worlds (Public Enemy, Kanye West, Stereo MC's, Rage Against The Machine come to mind). I'm more surprised they have a band open for them that has a #1 album and single in the charts.
Painfully loud. But I thought they were pretty good.

Sweet, just asking cause I'm seeing them alittle over a week before U2. An exchange student fro Australia came to our High School and got me really into them...before that I only knew of them as "that band that opened for U2".
Honestly, their first two albums sound completely different to me than their latest one, so I wouldn't be surprised to learn that in concert they sounded completely different, too.

Before I'd heard the new album, I was surprised to hear how popular they'd become. Then I heard the record and understood. More mainstream with this album fo sho.
Honestly, their first two albums sound completely different to me than their latest one, so I wouldn't be surprised to learn that in concert they sounded completely different, too.

Before I'd heard the new album, I was surprised to hear how popular they'd become. Then I heard the record and understood. More mainstream with this album fo sho.

Oh yeah, I was driving back from visiting some schools today and I went through all their albums...Srsly, the difference is night and day. Two very different sounds.

I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing cause while OBTN may be considered "more mainstream" they got a couple of pretty bad ass songs on there, like "Crawl". Listened to that driving by Giants Stadium.
I like the new album a lot more than I was expecting to, whereas there are only a few songs I really like on their first two albums.
Well, it's not the first time that U2 had support acts from different musical worlds (Public Enemy, Kanye West, Stereo MC's, Rage Against The Machine come to mind). I'm more surprised they have a band open for them that has a #1 album and single in the charts.

Public Enemy?? Flavor Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav!! :combust:
Hey guys, question for ya!

How were the Kings of Leon when the opened for U2? Apparently they had a blast touring with them...

Utterly terrible. My ex-girlfriend and I had to play "paper, scissors, rock" to stay awake.

Saw them again at Sound Relief in March this year and they had improved a fair deal.
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