Oh I really hate it when ______!

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it's lucky i suppressed the cheeky bastard part of me...at least until he was done patting me down and was going to actually let me on the plane.

I wonder what would've happened if you waved your bottle at him from the plane window! :lol:

ugh I hate this computational modelling course. And the fact that it's so busy I can't make time for my friends. :crack: I can't even speak to online friends in time because of stupid timezones.

And I hate it that my knee, which I twisted in June and was JUST starting to heal is fucked over again because someone crashed into me last night at karate. :sigh:
The fact that my Firefox window doesn't read "Oh I really hate it when ______!" but rather a mish-mash of wingdings symbols. If anyone happens to get a virus, I apologise in advance.
when caller ID doesn't ID the caller :angry:

Or when the caller ID LIES, and it's really a telemarketer, masquerading as a person. :fist: I'm usually good at screening my calls, but one time some bastard telemarketers managed to get through, because they were listed as a PERSON, and the name was similar to someone I know. :angry: I hung up on them pretty damn quickly.
i feel bad hanging up on them sometimes. so as soon as i know it's one, i say 'don't take this personally' and hang up.

.... when you can't get the wrapper off lollipops
...i screw up on a christmas card or envelope and have to throw it away :angry:

minimal compared to lila's :hug:

:giggle: Perverted Aussies!

I hate it when I get sick right before the big christmas Uni dinner. :grumpy: I have until thursday to get better.
... people say they'll get something to you ASAP. A few hours later when you ask for what was promised, they tell you it won't happen until mid-week. Um... several days is NOT ASAP! :fist:
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