Oh, I dare you!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
*Enters stage through center ala David Lee Roth

What is all this talk about other threads?

Everyone's favorite hater?

Sorry bonogal84...the text noise just woke up dad...who needs to be up (like me) in six hours to catch our plane. :(

dunno if this will work. it's what the truck/ute (my 'other' car) looks like. it's a huge beast. like a massive penis really. u2savesthepenis knows about weildy penii.

i was just viewing "who's online" and i saw jessica sending a private message


in other news, i have been waiting a week to finally have a day off so i could sit and watch season five of sex and the city, but someone hooked a goddamned gamecube up to my tv and now i have no idea how to get my dvd player to work, my cat has thrown herself at the screendoor three times in the last five minutes, and i'm hungry.






I think Miss Bev might have been responding to me! On a related note; I didn't know about Who's Online or whatever. :layme:

Is your DVD player still hooked up? You might be able to mess with the settings and get it to work. I can probably help.



*is 12
i am spying on you jessica

*is spying

i'm more sure than i have ever been. i just accidentally sent a PM to myself.


i love the who's online feature

bonosgirl84 said:

i'm more sure than i have ever been. i just accidentally sent a PM to myself.


I did that an hour ago for the first time. I meant to send something to you so I went to (what I thought) was your post and clicked PM.....well, it was mine. So, I PM'd myself and then suddenly got the little pop-up and was all excited to read my new note!

Then it was from ME!

lmao about the pm thing


ok, go to the forum jump feature and it should be between forums home and private messaging. you can see everyone who is visible and what they're looking at.

*is stalking
and i must say, for the record, that i was really bummed when elvis removed the "who ignores me" feature in the usercp's. i loved that feature.


i didn't keep track of an ebay auction that ended last night because i figured it would go sky-high anyway. it was for two GA's to the fiona show. (i've decided to take chelsea onto the floor and let the fam have the other four seats)

the auction fucking closed at 26.00




now i'm going to have to pay a hundred.




and i had a sniper invite, too

why are you scared mk?


i just gmailed you. sometimes i wish this was like sex and the city and we could all just meet up for cocktails and talk about stuff.

but i get to be carrie



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