No U2 so BB King instead!

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Feb 10, 2005
Nightclub in Tripoli
I've got to say that when the Oz gigs got posponed I was pretty pissed off. So like many I cancelled flights and hotels, lost quite bit of money and decided to stay at home and wait for the new dates.

Anyway something really bizarred happened to me today.

I was looking at and found that BB King was in Manchester tonight as part of his farewell UK tour, and decided to go along.

What were the chances of him playing 'When Love Comes To Town'? Slim I thought, but play it he did. Not only that but he also talked about how "Bono of U2" wrote that song for him!

So instead of been in Sydney watching U2, I'm at the other side of the planet listening to WLCTT and BB King talking about U2.

Even managed to record it on my phone purely by chance!

Small world eh?
Yeah i've seen a few setlist of BB Shows from his current tour, and WLCTT is a sort of a "regular" in the selist.

At least the bootlegs i've seen on dime.
Yes, I saw BB & his band on 12/30/05 at one of the Indian casinos here in southern California. He plays When Love Comes to Town differently that the U2 version but I liked it. He is a lot of fun to watch and listen to.
Sweet! I'm going to see him in DC this summer on 6/19. I really hope he plays it here too.
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