No flags in school

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The Fly
Nov 9, 2004
by the sea
I've recently moved to the state of Florida (southwest Florida to be exact), and one school rule caught my interest:

"The wearing or display of flags on our campuses has historically and currently caused
dissension along with a potentially unsafe and hostile learning environment for our
students. In an effort to provide safe schools and prevent potential disruption, the
following flags are the only ones that may be displayed and/or worn on - - - - County
Public Schools campuses and at off campus school-related activities: (1) the United
States and POW/MIA flags; (2) the State of Florida flag; and (3) official school flags.
In addition, any related symbols may not be displayed or worn on campus and at off
campus school-related activities."

I personally think it's a sad time when people are so "sensitive" that the wearing of flags on clothes is a problem. I'm curious to what the rest of you think of this rule . . .
It seems to me that that rule is mainly directed at the Confederate War flag, even though it doesn't say. That flag has caused alot of controversy. It's not the actual Confederate States flag, it's the War Flag. Personally, I think someone can be proud of a Southern heritage that includes hospitality, fried chicken, and other non-political stuff, and be very open minded about race relations. There's more to the South than racial tension. I guess the people in Florida don't want any flag controversies.
I just say what's this world coming to? What will it be next for rules in the schools especially? Can't wear bandanas, can't wear sexually explicit sayings on shirts or short short skirts, can't wear baggy pants or chains, can't wear flip flops, can't show your gang attire, and now can't wear the flag? Schools should just issue uniforms.
I would say that the school probably has a very good reason for setting that rule; reasoning that is certainly lost on people like us who have no context on the kind of bad behavior that preceded the creation of that rule.

Frankly, if I were in charge of public schools, I'd create a very strict dress code, similar to what one would expect in the working world.

melon said:

Frankly, if I were in charge of public schools, I'd create a very strict dress code, similar to what one would expect in the working world.


I agree.

Yes, the importance of proper dress codes cannot be stressed enough.
melon said:
I would say that the school probably has a very good reason for setting that rule; reasoning that is certainly lost on people like us who have no context on the kind of bad behavior that preceded the creation of that rule.

Frankly, if I were in charge of public schools, I'd create a very strict dress code, similar to what one would expect in the working world.


I completely agree. I deal with dress code violations every morning.

Carek1230 said:
I just say what's this world coming to? What will it be next for rules in the schools especially? Can't wear bandanas, can't wear sexually explicit sayings on shirts or short short skirts, can't wear baggy pants or chains, can't wear flip flops, can't show your gang attire, and now can't wear the flag? Schools should just issue uniforms.

So you think kids should be able to wear shirts that say "She takes it in the back and swallows deep?" :huh: I actually made a student take a shirt off that said this last week.
I'm not one to believe in flags, but there needs to be logic and fairness when applied to dress codes.

I know people who would strongly disagree with this rule yet strongly support the ban of "baggy" jeans. Now how does this make sense?

But seriously what teenager today wants to wear a confederate flag that doesn't have an agenda, ask yourself that question...
Uniforms are an excellent idea and I think essential, for school kids. 2 reasons, one is that it strips all of individuality and makes everyone equal. No issues with the expense of your wardrobe or not being fashionable enough. Sounds silly, I spose, to some of you, but kids are at school to learn. Not be distracted and engage in esteem destroying fights on whether they fit in or not. And secondly, practicality.

As for flags, I'm no fan of deep fried chicken, that's for sure.
i agree with angela harlem, for once.

school uniforms (though they should be available as inexpensively as possible) are a great way of levelling us all. Cause God knows you could pick the rich kids on 'come as you please' days (ie. end-of-semester or special-occasion) when I was a kid.

As for the rest, I actually think there should be no flags in school, period. People need to learn their history before they're let anywhere near a flag.
i agree with those who are for uniforms in school, but back to the topic at hand...

besides the "stars and bars," there is a problem in south florida with immigrant gangs. not knowing enough about the situation and exactly where this school is, but that may be a reason, also. i know it's a huge problem in the miami area... not so sure about the other side of florida though. :shrug: just a thought.
Funny, cause the Florida State Flag is based on the Southern Cross Battle Flag......
mattgerth said:
Funny, cause the Florida State Flag is based on the Southern Cross Battle Flag......

So is the Alabama State Flag. We have a Confederate War Flag at our capital, and there's been a ton of controversy over that thing. I think they should take it down, it's just too divisive.
Ok As we all know the cofederate flag represents Slavery and a cause in which people died for. But should we erase history. I hated the nazi's but to try and erase it's existance is wrong. It's a history that people should always remember, an ugly history. I am not saying we should fly the confederate or nazi flag but display it in a museum type setting.
Justin24 said:
Ok As we all know the cofederate flag represents Slavery and a cause in which people died for.

The flag does not represent slavery. Not that I'm downplaying is signficance, but slavery was not the cause of the civil war, it was one of many issues that divided people. Some famous confederates did not condone slavery.

I agree about uniforms. During high school, I basically wore jeans and some t-shirt or top and on meet/game/match days, the sports teams always wore their team shirts or wore a skirt & nice button-down/dress pants & tie. Since meets/games/matches occured daily, we might as well have worn school uniforms.
I agree with Uniforms also. It would help students prepare for the world on how to dress and it might cut gang activity,because no one is being represented.
Justin24 said:
I agree with Uniforms also. It would help students prepare for the world on how to dress and it might cut gang activity,because no one is being represented.

Here in the UK the majority of schools have uniforms, and (although i hate it at times) it's generally a good thing. If we were to come to school in our own clothes every day would become a 'fashion parade' of sorts, with the poorer kids whose parents can't afford a new outfit everyday getting picked on and laughed at.

Although there are some things i disagree with - such as hair dying or different hair styles being banned, makeup and facial piercings not permitted. This is basically stripping us of our individuality and personality, I can understand why we have the uniform but anything more than that is taking away our freedom to express ourselves IMO.
Justin24 said:
Ok As we all know the cofederate flag represents Slavery and a cause in which people died for. But should we erase history. I hated the nazi's but to try and erase it's existance is wrong. It's a history that people should always remember, an ugly history. I am not saying we should fly the confederate or nazi flag but display it in a museum type setting.

Hmmmm....As a Southerner, the confederate flag NEVER represented slavery to me. Just because a few dozen a-holes decide to parade around in bedsheets or shaved heads and wave a flag they obviously know nothing about doesn't make the flag evil. New York City was the second largest slave port in the US........does the US flag represent slavery too and should it also be banned?
As for uniforms, I'm all for them. Unfortunately many schools, to lessen the blow of having uniforms (like the one I just moved away from) decide to have a "Dress Code" instead, which equates to polos and slacks. This "Dress Code" gives ample opportunity for the richer students to show off, especially with the way American Eagle and A&F seem to be going. The only solution is a school-issued uniform that is IDENTICAL for every student, otherwise people will find ways to show off. Even more important is enforcement, people at my school still got away with doing the exact things the dress code was created to combat.

Ironically, I moved to Florida from Texas, and more peole consider themselves "Southerners" here than in Texas. As far as I've seen, wearing a Confederate flag (which people do every once in a while) would probably not sit well with the large African and Haitian populations at my school.
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Justin24 said:
Ok As we all know the cofederate flag represents Slavery and a cause in which people died for. But should we erase history. I hated the nazi's but to try and erase it's existance is wrong. It's a history that people should always remember, an ugly history. I am not saying we should fly the confederate or nazi flag but display it in a museum type setting.

The Confederate War Flag doesn't represent slavery, it represents the Army of the Confederate States of America. I agree that it's better off in a museum than it is flying on a stick anywhere as it doesn't represent a current political entity.
mattgerth said:
Hmmmm....As a Southerner, the confederate flag NEVER represented slavery to me. Just because a few dozen a-holes decide to parade around in bedsheets or shaved heads and wave a flag they obviously know nothing about doesn't make the flag evil. New York City was the second largest slave port in the US........does the US flag represent slavery too and should it also be banned?

The trouble with the Confederate flag is that it symbolizes divisiveness, at best. It's a relic from a war that ended 141 years ago that many people still cannot seem to let go.

If any flag should be raised in the U.S., it should be the American flag. The Confederacy is dead.

melon said:

The trouble with the Confederate flag is that it symbolizes divisiveness, at best. It's a relic from a war that ended 141 years ago that many people still cannot seem to let go.

If any flag should be raised in the U.S., it should be the American flag. The Confederacy is dead.


Yes, definitely. Keep all of the Confederate Flags in a museum and off the flagpoles. I say this as a Southerner and an American.
melon said:

The trouble with the Confederate flag is that it symbolizes divisiveness, at best. It's a relic from a war that ended 141 years ago that many people still cannot seem to let go.

If any flag should be raised in the U.S., it should be the American flag. The Confederacy is dead.


So, you also agree then that it is inappropriate to fly other flags like the Puerto Rican flag, Italian flag, Irish flag, Mexican flag, etc. in this country as a way of showing the pride in your heritage? Is that not divisiveness?
mattgerth said:
So, you also agree then that it is inappropriate to fly other flags like the Puerto Rican flag, Italian flag, Irish flag, Mexican flag, etc. in this country as a way of showing the pride in your heritage? Is that not divisiveness?

There is such a thing as Puerto Rico, Italy, Ireland, and Mexico. There is no such thing as the Confederacy. It's the flag of a failed separatist movement, and, as such, I think it is as inappropriate as it would be to raise an IRA flag in Northern Ireland or an ETA flag in Spain.

You are an American, not a Confederate, by every stretch of the imagination.

melon said:

You are an American, not a Confederate, by every stretch of the imagination.


I AM #1 an American, and #2 a Southerner (currently living in NJ .:ohmy:). Never claimed to be a Confederate nor do I think the majority of the people who fly the flag or wear it on their shirt consider themselves a Confederate. The flag IS a symbol of the South....good and bad. If you lived here you would know that.

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