NFL 2016 Thread

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Honest question:

Are you 2 questioning the legitimacy of the helmet to helmet penalty that knocked Gronk out of the game?

I was less so bothered by that then the PI that followed. But yeah, I did think to call that hit "unnecessary roughness" on a play where it seemed like full body contact on a player that otherwise bulldozed his defender was a bit of a stretch.
It's not PI and there's nothing questionable about it. The ball was uncatchable because the receiver was led out of bounds. It's, at best, a 5 yard penalty, not a spot foul.
Again... I get why it was called, but it's one of those bullshit what the hell would you have wanted him to do penalties.

Play the ball, or just hold back and make a wrap-up tackle.

I see Patriots safeties pass up big hits like that frequently. It's frustrating. But if you try to dislodge the receiver from the ball, those sorts of penalties are going to be an occupational hazard.
Me at 6:30:

Me Now:
Gonna be a terribly boring Superb Owl this year with 2 teams i absolutely hate. For all i care both teams can lose. Hope it somehow ends in a tie :lol:

Can't care less if either Pats or Eagles win. Might just keep half an eye on the game to be part of the "community" or whatever. But fuck me.
the eagles were by far the best looking team this weekend.

underdogs for sure, but they have a real chance against the pats. let's do this.
Gonna be a terribly boring Superb Owl this year .

20-17, game ends on a fg
32-29, game ends on a fg
23-28 OT

These are the scores od the 7 Patriots Super Bowls in the Brady Belichick era.
I understand the hate for the Pats by fans of other teams, but they do not play boring Superb Owls by any stretch
20-17, game ends on a fg
32-29, game ends on a fg
23-28 OT

These are the scores od the 7 Patriots Super Bowls in the Brady Belichick era.
I understand the hate for the Pats by fans of other teams, but they do not play boring Superb Owls by any stretch

The very first one in 1986 was pretty boring, if I remember correctly. Which I don't, since I was 6 at the time.
It's not PI and there's nothing questionable about it. The ball was uncatchable because the receiver was led out of bounds. It's, at best, a 5 yard penalty, not a spot foul.

It is PI because the ball was in the air when Bouye forces Cooks out of bounds. The ball would have been catchable if Cooks' route is not disrupted and it is not a 5 yard penalty if the foul occurs when the ball is in the air.
You say he receiver was "led out of bounds", you admit its a foul. Its only a 5 yard penalty when that foul occurs before the QB releases the ball.
The correct call was made.
Pass interference is definitely a judgement call, but even you admit Cooks was forced out of bounds by Bouye, that is a penalty and it is a spot foul if the ball has been released as it had in this case.
They definitely don't play boring superb owls. I just don't think anyone wants to watch them anymore. It's like Alabama minus the cartel.
The very first one in 1986 was pretty boring, if I remember correctly. Which I don't, since I was 6 at the time.

Which is why I noted during the Brady-Belichick era, Super Bowl XX was an unholy stomping and not very entertaining if you weren't a Bears fan. I was older than 6, I remember it, it was decided before the first quarter ended. The Super Bowl used to have a lot of games like that, we've been fortunate as fans that most in the past 15 -20 years have been fairly competitive and often compelling.
It is PI because the ball was in the air when Bouye forces Cooks out of bounds. The ball would have been catchable if Cooks' route is not disrupted and it is not a 5 yard penalty if the foul occurs when the ball is in the air.
You say he receiver was "led out of bounds", you admit its a foul. Its only a 5 yard penalty when that foul occurs before the QB releases the ball.
The correct call was made.
Pass interference is definitely a judgement call, but even you admit Cooks was forced out of bounds by Bouye, that is a penalty and it is a spot foul if the ball has been released as it had in this case.

After watching the GIF a few times:

I don't see anywhere in the rulebook that declares a receiver can't be run out of bounds by a defender. There was no "shove" out of bounds, it was a gradual phasing of the route while running step-for-step that any coach would try to impart. The contact preceding it was the typical exchange of hands that takes place on a deep route and the last bit of contact by Bouye took place after the ball was already uncatchable. The only thing he could have done better was a courtesy glance back to the ball, which is essentially what he was called for. He used his body effectively on that play.
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Bouye used his hands, I think that's what drew the flag.
If he doesn't put a hand on Cooks as they are on the sideline and just rides him with his body out of bounds, there is no flag.
My argument from the beginning was that the ball was never catchable in the first place. Cooks never gets back to that ball unless Bouye isn't covering him at all. And, again, Cooks had his hands all over him too, that's plain as day.

But even so, I had bigger issues with the non-calls for NE than anything the Jaguars got thrown at them. The Amendola 3rd quarter headbutt. The jersey grab non-call defensive holding that forced the Jags to punt actually had me yelling at the television. The NE defender even turned around to start to plead his case to the ref because he knew he fucked up, but it didn't matter.
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They definitely don't play boring superb owls. I just don't think anyone wants to watch them anymore. It's like Alabama minus the cartel.

This is correct. It is getting as stale and boring as watching the european soccer leagues minus the 5000 - 1 once in a lifetime Leicester win.
Well, NE is back in the SB, and love 'em or hate 'em, their participation is always entertaining. How can they top last year? And lookie, lookie, the Eagles are there too! We've been fortunate that in the 21st Century most of the SB's have been entertaining and competitive. In the 80's and 90's, most of them were blowouts and all anyone talked about were the commercials. I guess the only question that remains is can NE be defeated by a team that isn't the Giants? :wink:
It was one of those calls that could go either way, which also happens all the time. I certainly wouldn’t call it egregious.
You could make the argument that all three of those big calls that switched the momentum could have gone either way... everyone's panties are in a bunch because they all went New England's way.

Hey, we're spending way too much time on these calls. Yes, the momentum clearly shifted at that point - but Jacksonville responded poorly to the shifting momentum and started playing not to lose, i.e. two kneel down to kill off a full minute to end the first half rather than try and move into field goal range.

I know why they took those knees... they were afraid of Bortles throwing a pick and giving New England even more momentum going into the half. But you can't play to not lose on the road, in the playoffs, against Belichick and Brady.

And that was my point earlier on Bortles... yea, he played as well as he could have. And no, he didn't necessarily do anything to lose them the game - but he didn't make the plays to help them win it, either, and Jacksonville clearly had a game plan of simple throws, mainly off play action, to keep things simple. If they want to go to a Super Bowl, at some point they either need to take the reigns off of him and let him make some risky throws, or they need to move on if they don't think he's capable.
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