NFL 2009-2010: Part The Second

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"Bud Grant is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but he is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. And Prince is not in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, but he is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." - Joe Buck

Ah, yet another misguided statement by Joe Buck along with my favorite following Randy Moss' "Lambeau Moon": "What a disgusting act by Randy Moss!". As for the Farve hatred, we also do have Ryan Longwell, but I don't remember anyone crying over that :)
My Vikings have gone 0-2 in NFC Championship games in my lifetime. If they repeat this week's performance, they'll be going to Miami for sure.
I see your point, but it only really makes sense to me in college ball - it's not like a greater margin of victory will put you higher in the NFL rankings. I do agree though that Dallas' D is more to blame. I just don't think taking a shot at the end zone was necessary. Get the first down and run the clock out. :shrug:
"Magnificent" was briefly playing during this segment on Mark Sanchez. Lawlz.
I see your point, but it only really makes sense to me in college ball - it's not like a greater margin of victory will put you higher in the NFL rankings. I do agree though that Dallas' D is more to blame. I just don't think taking a shot at the end zone was necessary. Get the first down and run the clock out. :shrug:
I feel the opposite: in the pros, too fucking bad. You're all being paid to do what you're doing. In college, however, there should be a level of class there in a student sport. No running it up. Which is just another reason why the BCS should die in a fire.
I feel the opposite: in the pros, too fucking bad. You're all being paid to do what you're doing. In college, however, there should be a level of class there in a student sport. No running it up. Which is just another reason why the BCS should die in a fire.

i can't really add much to this, but exactly. in any field, it's one thing to cop shit in your job if you're a professional and aren't doing a good job, but it's another thing if you're a volunteer.
i can't really add much to this, but exactly. in any field, it's one thing to cop shit in your job if you're a professional and aren't doing a good job, but it's another thing if you're a volunteer.
Collegiate athletics isn't entirely composed of "volunteers" per se, what with most major programs dishing out scholarships, but it's still a huge difference between pro athletes, agreed.
#4 just said in the post game that the last TD pass was for mikal

*shakes fist. :lol:

it'll be fun watching Favre connect with Darren Sharper a couple times next Sunday.

if the Viqueens win the SuperBowl, Packer fans can still take pride that it took the Vikings to sign a Packers legend to actually win their 1st Championship.
Great job Cowboys, way to really hang in there and fight. Defense played solid all day long, Offense put up another spectacular outing, Special teams, Coaching staff...this teams is on FIRE! hahaha :doh:

Now that i have said what i would have liked to say, boy oh boy what a stinker. What a way to end the season with 3 measly points. Unbelievable. I realize it is tough to play in Minnesota, but there really is not excuse for turning the ball over 4 times, missing 2 field goals, and having your highly touted defense shredded consistently. Other than maybe the Vikings are just that much better. Or maybe there is something to be said for playing at home after a first round bye, minus the trip to Cabo.

As for Minnesota "running up the score", i really don't care about that. They could have scored a few more times and i wouldn't really care. The way Dallas played they deserve to be scored on. I guess at this point i will root for Favre and the NFL Sooners (Peterson, Loadholt) and maybe if Favre wins it all he will retire off into the Mississippi sunset somewhere.

I suspect that Wade Phillips' job security is going to be thrown around a bit as well. I liked what he was doing and the way the team was going the last month or so, until today of course. If you are Jerry Jones do you pull the trigger and let him go, with what he has accomplished this year, solely based on a bad outing today? Or do you give him another shot at it with the Super Bowl being played in your house next year? Bill Cowher is out there and available....something to think about. I kind of like Wade Phillips personally and if this game today was close i don't think i would even bring this up at all. And Wade Phillips isn't the reason Romo fumbled or Suisham missed two FG's, but his Defense had been playing great until today. Maybe he should take a demotion to Defensive Coordinator and JJ could bring in Cowher? We missed our opportunity with Shanahan and Holmgren so i really don't know how many of these coaches opportunities are going to happen. Oh well, bad day at the office all the way around. :|
*shakes fist. :lol:

it'll be fun watching Favre connect with Darren Sharper a couple times next Sunday.

if the Viqueens win the SuperBowl, Packer fans can still take pride that it took the Vikings to sign a Packers legend to actually win their 1st Championship.

ryan longwell?
I don't want to talk about it.

Fuck Rivers. I've not liked that dude from day one and continue to not like him.

Also, what in the fuck is the deal with place kickers choking their asses off lately? Kaeding hadn't missed inside 40 since fucking September of 2007.......

Sorry about your Boys, Impy.
The Jets really aren't that bad. :shrug: I'm as surprised as anyone that they managed to pull this one out, but hey, defense wins championships and all that.

Colts fans should be happy about this. There has been something of a Chargers curse on that team recently, and now they can smack around the Jets just like they would have weeks ago.
Teams left, in the order I like 'em:


As a Patriots fan, I don't much like the Jets or Colts at all. I like the Saints and Brees a lot -- it was good to see them turn things around yesterday after three bad losses in a row.
I was hoping for Saints/Chargers because I don't mind either team, and neither franchise has won a Super Bowl yet, but Saints/Jets would be the next best thing, since they're typically a laughing stock. Colts have had their success, Peyton has his ring.
apart from the saints (and personally, peyton manning who i consider to be a class act in every way) there's nothing likable about the playoff picture. shame all of the remotely likable teams all had to face each other.
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