New Video on Pt.2 (new 01/11/2009)

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somewhat off/on topic....In my opinion Larry is such a great example of a solid rock drummer. He doesn't do anything thats overdone, he keeps thing simple when they need to be simple, and throws in fills and stuff when the songs need it, and in the end he and Adam create such a solid foundation of a rhythm section that it allows Edge to go off and do his simplistic, yet extremely appropriate guitar moments without making the songs boring.

sorry, just thought I'd throw that in there.

Spot on. :up: :up: :up:
QUOTE=bonocomet;5668586]Fun and funny are two different things, and I think the Discotheque video was meant to be fun, not funny. And I think it's fun. :D[/QUOTE]

With Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry--- all giving fantastic contribution( as far as i heard with my ear), "Only Love" is going to be an all time classic.
Sorry, but: Not by a long shot...
In A Sort Of Homecoming Larry's primarely using his tom-tom's, floor-tom's and the snare-drum just a-side. His style in these (early) days was very multi-dimensional. (How I miss this style of drumming!) In this video all the drumming is happening on the snare-drum.

Although I think it resembles "Streets" the most.
He was using his timbales for the accents on homecoming, not toms or floors. On this vid, he's actually using snare and tom, not just the snare.
I have no idea how studio work is done but do they always seperate the band members to do each of their individual parts of the song? Do they ever record together like in a concert?
From what I know, they have jam sessions all the time trying out ideas and experiment with stuff to see where it takes them. Lanois says he like to have instruments plugged in all the time and I seem to remember he tries to record every little thing a band member does when he picks up his instrument. Exit is one of those examples isn't it?

I'm sure they record together once in a while as well, they're are a band after all. And perhaps it helps them to figure out a live interpretation later on?

But you're right, these videos seem to indicate that they're doing individual takes or in pairs (Bono+Edge, Adam+Larry) except for maybe the Dallas clip.
Hey Lary Mullen Fan any channce of some more clips, it's a bit cold for the beach so how about some 'Snow Clips'
Right... let me see. ;)

What actually strikes me is that the last vid on with Larry drumming, must have been recorded before I recorded those beach clips. That drum part is exactly what I heard on the beach. Also, considering the clothes they're wearing, it doesn't look like fall or winter to me :)

It's weird though that no other clips have emerged. I figure someone must have been posting at the studio's?
I have no idea how studio work is done but do they always seperate the band members to do each of their individual parts of the song? Do they ever record together like in a concert?

It is primarily done separately. This is done priamrily to get the clearest sound from each instrument (no infiltration from othersin the mics) and to get the optimal take from each (if they all play together with the record button on, and someone makes a mistake, then you have to start again.

Occasionaly they will record at the same time, but they will likely be in isolation, listening on headsets.

Live records tend to be messier, and the sound not quite as good. This difference may be minimal, but if you listen for it, you can definately tell.
He was using his timbales for the accents on homecoming, not toms or floors. On this vid, he's actually using snare and tom, not just the snare.

From a LIVE perspective, at least for the "Joshua Tree" tour...

...the "A Sort Of Homecoming" drum part is mostly played on the floor tom with right hand accent hitting the piccolo snare (to Larry's right of the timbale) and the left accent hitting the timbale (to Larry's right of his rack tom).

I had seats behing Larry at the April 14, 1987 show in San Diego. Being a drummer myself, I was taking notes as to how he played that song - it is a long time favorite.

from just now...

Stop Press! Just heard that we have another exclusive video featuring the whole band all set for the next few days - keep checking in...
From a LIVE perspective, at least for the "Joshua Tree" tour...

...the "A Sort Of Homecoming" drum part is mostly played on the floor tom with right hand accent hitting the piccolo snare (to Larry's right of the timbale) and the left accent hitting the timbale (to Larry's right of his rack tom).

I had seats behing Larry at the April 14, 1987 show in San Diego. Being a drummer myself, I was taking notes as to how he played that song - it is a long time favorite.
Thanks for clearing that up :up: I thought you meant the album version.

One thing confuses me though, being a drummer myself :)
I would expect a "normal" snare part (so a decent hit on a snare on 2 and 4) but from what you say I understand he plays that part on the floor tom?
It can't be.
on 0:25 Bono sings "Chase your love". it's (roughly) in F#m, while GOYB revolves around D, plus the tempo on larrystuff is slower than GOYB and the groove is completely different. plus you can hear the mid-song version of the larrystuff riff on the clip, and on the HQ clip "For Your Love" recorded in May, and still listenable on

If anything at all from, the intro to get up on your boots is

you can just listen to, then listen to the relevant part on edgeback.swf and then listen to closely with a pair of really good headphones. it's a pitty because had another version of that clip which had a much lower volume but didn't have this terrible enhanced hiss all over, but they changed it.

then, to get an idea of how GUOYB will sound, just open two browser windows, one with adambass.swf on, and the other with beach clip no. 3 on, set the youtube clip to pause on 0:39 and start adambass.swf, then just when the full band kicks in for a second press play on youtube.
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