Need info for my business college paper about U2

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jun 19, 2003
"Greatest Bonolover in Finland"!
Hey, I'm hoping someone can help me here! I'm writing my final paper for business college here in Finland and I need some info about U2s business. I'm writing about royalties and copyright of performing artists and using U2 as my example and I need answers to the following questions:

1. I know that U2 moved their publishing company from Ireland to The Netherlands in 2006, coz Ireland raised the countries royalty taxation, but does any know, what was the original figure and how much was the increase?

2. What is the royalty taxation in The Netherlands?

3. Does any one know how big a precetage of their record royalties U2 owns?

I hope these questions don't start up argument, coz royalty matter seems to be a rather sensitive subject amongst some U2 fans, and opinions are fine but the facts is what I really need! :wink:
Just want to say make sure you have credible references for this information - random websites are frowned upon in most universities.
Hey thanks for your concern, I've found most of the info was asking for e.g. found a SOMO report about Netherlands being a tax haven, but I'm still trying to find out how big a precetage of their record royalties U2 actaully owns?
U2 owns outright everything they have ever recorded. They license the distribution to their record company. They own all their master recordings and all the rights to EVERYTHING.


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