NBA 2023-24 Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
the reverse angle


Gheorge is the best. Funny as hell. But he's a shoulder tapper. Everything he thinks is funny he gives you a gentle tap on the shoulder. Only his fist is the size of my head and feels like a cinder block. I sat next to him at the Japan Games and I literally couldn't lift my arm by the end of the game.
Mavs in 6.

The Celtics have a tendency to get out of sorts for extended periods. They haven't yet a faced a team that will punish them for that, but the Mavs will. Also the Mavs have been the league's number 1 defense since the all-star break; the Celtics are going to be in a lot of trouble if they insist on iso and 3s every play, which seems to be Mazzula's MO. I also don't see Boston having the massive free throw differentials they did in the last two series.

Also please don't come at me with the "but Porzingis" takes. If the guy shows up, I'll eat my words, but there's zero evidence from his career to this point that he's a difference maker at high levels.
Mavs in 6.

The Celtics have a tendency to get out of sorts for extended periods. They haven't yet a faced a team that will punish them for that, but the Mavs will. Also the Mavs have been the league's number 1 defense since the all-star break; the Celtics are going to be in a lot of trouble if they insist on iso and 3s every play, which seems to be Mazzula's MO. I also don't see Boston having the massive free throw differentials they did in the last two series.

Also please don't come at me with the "but Porzingis" takes. If the guy shows up, I'll eat my words, but there's zero evidence from his career to this point that he's a difference maker at high levels.
i think Boston is too deep... but the idea that Dallas had the best player in the series does give me pause.
Celtics in 5

Hurley to Lakers, 8 years, $88Mil, fired by GM Lebron after 1 losing season and paid by Jeannie Buss.

Woj was literally embedded with his dad for a year, so i have no doubt that this info is coming form the Hurley family. So there's some smoke - I just think it's purposeful smoke to get UConn to fork over the cash.

But hey, good luck with your first NBA Finals game tonight, JJ Redick!
Celtics in 3.

Between Games 3 and 4, every Mavs player will have a comical encounter that prevents them from playing the rest of the series, including Kyrie Irving coming down with a case of gigantism. The rest of the series will be canceled.

Woj was literally embedded with his dad for a year, so i have no doubt that this info is coming form the Hurley family. So there's some smoke - I just think it's purposeful smoke to get UConn to fork over the cash.

But hey, good luck with your first NBA Finals game tonight, JJ Redick!
I can definitely see it being a negotiating tactic.
Question is how high can/will UConn go.
Boston was always winning game one. The issue is whether or not they do the typical Tatum / Brown era letting their foot off the gas in game 2, or if they've truly grown and will just curb stomp the Mavs the way Kyrie did Lucky.

btw - Kyrie has lost 12 straight games at the Headache Hewson Center since the Lucky Incident.
btw - Kyrie has lost 12 straight games at the Headache Hewson Center since the Lucky Incident.
I'm not buying any of the "Kyrie is a changed man" narrative, He's the same a-hole, Crowd/moment got to his play last night (well more so the C's defense), and the frustrations will continue to mount, and I think we catch a glimpse of the old Lucky stomping, behind the head bird flipping, arena saging, no-vax game missing Kyrie before the series is over.
Also please don't come at me with the "but Porzingis" takes. If the guy shows up, I'll eat my words, but there's zero evidence from his career to this point that he's a difference maker at high levels.
Your game 1 post-game meal is served:


Obviously a long way to go, but KP looked good last night
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I was happily surprised at how well Porzingis played and just overall how healthy he looked. They definitely put out vibes earlier in the week that they weren't sure how things would go, and maybe there's some truth to that, but in the end it looks like they were playing coy a bit.
I'm not buying any of the "Kyrie is a changed man" narrative, He's the same a-hole, Crowd/moment got to his play last night (well more so the C's defense), and the frustrations will continue to mount, and I think we catch a glimpse of the old Lucky stomping, behind the head bird flipping, arena saging, no-vax game missing Kyrie before the series is over.
Who knows... I will say he has looked significantly happier this year, and hasn't had any weird controversies or dumb word salad press conferences.

So he's either a) gotten smarter about keeping his craziness private, b) Dallas has a really good PR team that finally got through to him, or c) he's actually matured (losing multimillion dollar contracts will do that to a guy).

Or some combo of all three.

I've been waiting for the Kyrie destroys the team and makes Luka demand a trade moment all year and it hasn't happened. So something's up.
I guess we should be lucky that Porzingis made it through two games. I know he said he'd be out there for Game 3, but gotta think he'll be extremely limited moving forward.
We'll see.
Word was he was walking without a limp after the game, so maybe it wasn't that bad of a tweak.
If they can get 15-20 minutes out of him and similar production to game 2, they should be fine.

Are the Sky for real? THIS is what they're complaining about?

Since Caitlin and I are from the same city (and even same HS, though I transferred out after my first semester....Catholic School not for me!)....following sports back in Iowa it's natural she dominates every article or message board even when the topics aren't related.

I feel really bad for her cause she does appear to be a good kid, and WNBA is just fucking everything up with creating so much drama. I watched a game for the first time, and it's like roller derby. It's a bad product, and she's on a really bad team. Having them play 11 games in like 20 days was madness. And leaving her off the Olympic squad.....missed opportunity to grow your brand.
Since Caitlin and I are from the same city (and even same HS, though I transferred out after my first semester....Catholic School not for me!)....following sports back in Iowa it's natural she dominates every article or message board even when the topics aren't related.

I feel really bad for her cause she does appear to be a good kid, and WNBA is just fucking everything up with creating so much drama. I watched a game for the first time, and it's like roller derby. It's a bad product, and she's on a really bad team. Having them play 11 games in like 20 days was madness. And leaving her off the Olympic squad.....missed opportunity to grow your brand.
I can't disagree with any of this.

The entire reaction to this, specifically by WNBA players and some of their long time fans, has been off to say the least.

It started last year with the likes of Cynthia Cooper, Diana Taurasi and Brianna Stewart taking random shots at her accomplishments. That was strange - but this is just stupid.

I'm sure there's a segment of the population who like Caitlin Clark because she's a straight and she's white - as has been suggested. All you need to do is look at our current political climate to know that.

But, like, I enjoy watching her because she plays like Steph Curry - and there aren't any other WNBA players who play that way. And I don't necessarily have to do a nationwide survey to confirm that this is how the majority feels. All I have to do is point to Sabrina Ionescu. She's a straight, white female. And she's fairly popular, has her own sneaker and all.. but doesn't come remotely close to scratching the surface of popularity that Clark has. Because she's not doing things on the court that we haven't seen in the women's game before.

And that brings us to the other big, stupid criticism... "There are better players in the league and there were better players before her."

Uh, yea. No shit.

Wemby is something we've never seen before. Wemby got more attention than your average rookie. That doesn't mean he's automatically the best player in the league, nor does it negate those who came before him. It just means we've never seen a 7'4" dude move like that before.

But nobody in the NBA would cause the stir about it that the wnba players have because end of the day his success is good for the game. It opens up new revenue streams in France and Europe. It's fun.

The WNBA finally has the moment they've been asking for. They have a player who has garnered huge, national attention. And instead of riding that wave to new revenue streams, they're shitting on it left and right.
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