NBA 2012 Thread

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Just pointing out the fact that Wade's reputation was not born here on our little internet forum, its not just me, Peef, Impy and Headache who feel Wade is a bit of a flopper.
Hewson said:
Just pointing out the fact that Wade's reputation was not born here on our little internet forum

But his fanbase certainly expands every May thanks to this forum.
Just pointing out the fact that Wade's reputation was not born here on our little internet forum, its not just me, Peef, Impy and Headache who feel Wade is a bit of a flopper.

No it wasn't, but the feeling is not as widespread as you might think. In separate polls where the opinions of sports writers, fans, and NBA players themselves were solicited, he doesn't even make the top fact, some of the players who actually do make the top 15 aren't even being talked about, and they are still playing in the playoffs right now.

So yeah, you guys make a bit more of it than a heck of alot of other people, yah, you do.
Hewson said:
Apparently Interference must be required reading by ticketholders prior to gaining entrance to a Pacers playoff game since we here are exaggerating Wade's reputation as a flop artiste extrordinaire. Cause about 18,000 were chanting "He's a flopper" whe he went to the FT line last night, quite funny.

He played a tremendous game last night, kudos to him, thats the guy I remember from his Marquette and Shaq days before he decided being a punk and a bitch would serve him better.

I'm sure your logic that the opposition is chanting something is excellent evidence that it must be the case. In fact, whoever has their name chanted the loudest for MVP usually gets it, too. Crowds don't lie.
Back to important things...

Avery Bradley having surgery as expected and done for the season, takes away the Celts' best on the ball defender and best hope to slow Wade should the Celts advance tomorrow.

Good news for Gabe and 7. (And good for Peef as well)
Nah, not good news at all. I like competition as much as the next guy. I would've preferred to see Bradley healthy and them go at it. I actually like the Celtics a hell of alot.

As it is, with Bass playing well, KG still puttin in work and Bosh potentially still out, Miami will have their hands full in the front court, so maybe it all evens out a bit.
As for the flopping...

There are plenty of guys who flop as much, or more, than Wade. Flopping on the whole has exploded in the NBA recently and something must be done about it.

It used to be that the crafty, defensive role player types were the only ones who would get accused of flopping, usually when trying to take a charge or on a box out. God knows I've embellished the contact on an over the back call many a time in my day... still do in men's leagues :hi5:

When somebody as talented as Wade or Chris Paul, who already get the benefit on most 50/50 calls because of their star status, starts flopping endlessly... it takes on a whole new level of ridiculousness. It makes them unguardable. It changes the way teams are allowed to play defense. The NBA has done everything in their power to help the offense... changing rules to make isolation basketball work better, because there were too many stars lacking in basic skill and understanding.

The NBA is the only level of basketball anywhere in the world where the play where wade started foul line extended, dribbled to the left corner, dribbled back to the high post, crossed and penetrated, and then euro stepped to the basket... would even be allowed to take place. He would have been hit with a 5 second closely guarded call before he even tried to penetrate, not to mention that there would be a shit load of help defense waiting for him, discouraging him from driving in the first place.

Add in flopping and you might as well not even play defense.

It needs to be addressed. Obvious flops should be techs... and not just a normal tech, a tech like in college or high school, that counts against your foul count. Ans they should be reviewable.

That will stop it.
I think Boston will win tomorrow night at home, but holy shit am I sick of hearing the series talked about without any mention of the Sixers at all. You'd think there was no such thing as defense the way the national pundits talk, bewildered by the fact that the Big Three aren't making every shot against the Sixers.
The NBA is the only level of basketball anywhere in the world where the play where wade started foul line extended, dribbled to the left corner, dribbled back to the high post, crossed and penetrated, and then euro stepped to the basket... would even be allowed to take place. He would have been hit with a 5 second closely guarded call before he even tried to penetrate,

Jesus christ, you just made 99% of the refs in the Canadian high school system`s heads explode, and 68% of the refs in CIS heads spin out of control.


Sixers played tough to the very end. Good looking young team there.

I don't know if the Celtics have enough to defeat Miami, especially without Bradley, but it should be a good series.

Sixers need one piece, but a big piece, a top flight money player. They have the supporting cast, they could be contenders if they could lure one superstar to Philly. Very good defensive team, they put up a hell of a battle.

As for the ECF, I fully expect the Celts to get beaten soundly in game 1. After that hopefully they can compete, but with no Bradley and the lack of depth the various injuries and heart surgeries have caused, its a long shot.
It would be pretty funny if I am right though :lol:

I should leave this thread, before GAF stumbles in, and posts a highly inflammatory drunken rant in my direction.

Enjoying watching the playoffs though!
Hewson said:
Sixers need one piece, but a big piece, a top flight money player. They have the supporting cast, they could be contenders if they could lure one superstar to Philly. Very good defensive team, they put up a hell of a battle.

As for the ECF, I fully expect the Celts to get beaten soundly in game 1. After that hopefully they can compete, but with no Bradley and the lack of depth the various injuries and heart surgeries have caused, its a long shot.

Can't think of one available. I don't see true relevance till Brand and Iguodala's contracts are gone. You simply don't win with that much money invested in marginal players.
oklahoma city winning it all wouldn't shock me in the least... but oklahoma city going 8-0 for the rest of the playoffs?

yea... give me some of that action as well.

i hate these late starts... don't understand why they can't have the nice old fashioned mid-afternoon NBA sunday playoff games.

that said... i will have to stay awake for spurs/thunder. it has all the makings of an absolute classic series.

the best player in the league pushing for a first ring vs. the best team player of the last 20 years pushing for a 5th. sign me up.
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