shaun vox
New Yorker
yp bonos the man he looked at me while singing and i put my hand on my heart actuall where i had the star on my jacket(like bono) and bono looks at me smiles and does the same thing which is so cool for a u2 fan like me.
then after the show it 1am and bono comes to meet the fans. He comes to me i shake his hand and hust said while showing the star on my jacket and i said bono you like my jacket bono touches my jacket too look at the star and tells me LOOKING SHARP.thank you bono....and after all this this cute girl next to me says what did bono say...was he surprised by me cause she and many there at the gig said i looked like bono lets hope bono saw that in me
.. again thank you bono for meeting the fans and me, this meeting has made me a biger and wery happy fan rock on.oh i was in the heart in front of edge and i wore my fly shades during new your and edge finaly saw me (hope he saw me and said what ... whats bono doing in the crowd.. the fly.ill post my meeting with adam and also the EDGE. but nothing come close to meeting bono.
Dont believe the devil i dont believe his book.
then after the show it 1am and bono comes to meet the fans. He comes to me i shake his hand and hust said while showing the star on my jacket and i said bono you like my jacket bono touches my jacket too look at the star and tells me LOOKING SHARP.thank you bono....and after all this this cute girl next to me says what did bono say...was he surprised by me cause she and many there at the gig said i looked like bono lets hope bono saw that in me
Dont believe the devil i dont believe his book.