Blue Crack Addict
It came out of the blue. Nobody expected this to happen. She went into the hospital this past Saturday for a stomach ulcer, and just yesterday morning we find out she had brain cancer and liver cancer. I just got the call from the hospital, my mother and father are there now, telling me she's now blind and could pass away at any moment. Though everything thinks she'll at least make it another day or two. But she could make it through. Nobody fucking knows, and that's the worst part. I'm just not sure what to think or do right now. I feel like I should go see her, the whole family is there, but I don't want my last memories of her being her blind and dying in the hospital. I could, should say goodbye, but I know she's already too gone to even recognize I'm there or for my visit to make a difference with everyone else already there. And I'm just afraid I'll have anotner nervous breakdown if I go there...that's just what my family needs. I don't know what to do. I'm staying home today, but I might go tomorrow if she's still around. Christ, how do these things happen like this?