Murderkill River, Delaware Superthread

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hey guys...i love your love action. lust's just a disctraction.
Alright, onto Adam Raised a MOTHERFUCKING Cain...

Some of the most rockin guitar ever on a Bruce song...
Oh yeah, I know that, but still, I'd rather Top Gear than yet another hour of the Olympics!

Also, I'm delighted SBS got the Olympics. 7, 9, and 10 would all cock it up. 7's coverage of the Commonwealth Games was nauseatingly bad. LET'S SHOW FIVE MINUTES OF RUGBY, THEN TWO MINUTES OF TABLE TENNIS, THEN SOME POLE VAULTING, AND NEVER ONCE GIVE EVEN THE RESULTS OF ANY OF IT!

Shit, I forgot about the upcoming crap TVNZ coverage.

Good, because it sucked. But I was disturbed to note that one girl in one of my tutes looks exactly like the character Ja'mie, so I was looking for somebody else to disturb with this fact.
Shit, I forgot about the upcoming crap TVNZ coverage.

Can't be as bad as 7, 9, or 10 covering this stuff, though. Because New Zealand's not in as much as Australia, there HAS to be some international scope. 7, 9, and 10, however, seem to think Australia's the only country in the Games. I'm hoping SBS will have a bit of a broader scope.

Hey, sweet, HG of Roy and HG fame is on GNW this week!
Love this bit:

And I ride to work every morning, wondering why
Sit in the chair and be good now
Oh and become all that they told you
The white coats enter her room
And I'm calling my baby
Calling my baby
Calling my baby
This guitar solo is smoking hot. Is that Bruce himself ripping that solo or what?

I wish I knew. I wish I could know more about Bruce & Co. Than I do, but it's a lot of history :lol:. Still, it's awesome, GREAT song.

Something in the Night :D
take a look at unselected cases
you'll find love has been wrecked
by both sides compromising
amounting to a disastrous effect
you hear stories of old
of princes bold
with riches untold
happy souls
casting it all aside
to take some bride
to have the girl of their dreams
at their side
but not me
i couldn't do that
not me
i'm not like that
i couldn't sacrifice anything at all to love
I didn't speak Springsteen yet, and I literally could not understand one damn word he was saying.

Haha this is funny. I totally know what you mean. It took me about 10 listens of Born to Run to finally be able to "speak Springsteen" and then it just took off from there...
*piano intro*

excuse me but
can i be you for a while
my dogwon't bite
if you sit real still
i got the anti-christ
in the kitchen
yellin' at me again
yeah i can hear that
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