MLK and Pride

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jul 25, 2000
It was the first thing that came on in my mind when I woke up today.
yup, it was the first cd i listened to today. good stuff


It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me. - Larry
unfortunately, our schoolboard decided that we should go to school today anyway, but all surrounding city schools had the day off.

I'll listen to it as I go to sleep tonight.
When my sister was in high school, her choir performed MLK. She sang the words while everyone else backed her up. It is one of those songs that give you goosebumps when you hear it.
Anyone else playing UF today in honor of MLK Jr? What with the day off and all (in the US), we might as well celebrate.

Change is the only constant
I'll be busting it out in a few minutes. (Listening to some R.E.M. right now.)

I definitely have some strong thoughts on freedom and human rights this year.

But..."We as a people will get to the promised land!"

U2 @ The Blooming Heart
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