MLB '08, Part Dos

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Wow, and the Brewers just picked up Sugar Ray Durham from the Giants.

The NL central is now locked up. In the bag. Sealed shut. Cubs are fucked.

Ray Durham is one of the hardest working, most intense veteran players in this league. A great clubhouse guy, too.

Congratulations to your 2008 NL Central champion Milwaukee Brewers!!!
I attended yesterday's game in Anaheim. It sucked.

It was definitely true that the Angels fans cheered only when (1) the scoreboard told them to do so or (2) the "Let's go Red Sox" cheer started.
His prime opportunity to gloat and guys like you and me would only be able to agree...he must be away somewhere.

Loving the sweep, loving our pitching. Top to bottom we have a better, deeper pitching staff than the Red Sox or anyone else, so I'm liking that. (Notice I'm not saying our top 3 starters rate higher than every other teams' top 3. That's a more difficult and debatable call).

Matthews has a tear in his knee, which compromises our outfield depth and that has me a little cautious about gloating or predicting our fate for this season given what happened injury-wise at the end of last season. On the other hand, thank god we signed Torii.

I'd like to see both the Angels and BoSox at full strength in the post-season.
The Red Sox have some real bullpen issues right now besides Papelbon, so we'll see if Masterson helps there and if they make a deal to shore up the pen.
When Ortiz returns, the lineup will improve significantly, I'm not worried about offense assuming good health, and I have no serious concerns about the rotation, especially come playoff time when Buccholz will be in the pen.
So the bullpen is the area that needs improvement (like a time machine back to when Houston wanted Gas Can Hanson for Roy Oswalt and the Sox rated Hanson too highly)...I think the Sox and Northen Mexico Angelos will meet again in October...
The Tigers just sent 15 men to the plate and scored 10 runs in one inning against the vaunted Royals pitching staff. We are winning the game 19-0. I'm pretty confident that we are going to improve our season record to 1-7 against this juggernaut of a team. :|
I leave for New York City tomorrow, and will be at the Wednesday and Thursday games for the Phils-Mets series at Shea.
Dan, are you 18 yet? If not - fuck them. They can't touch you. Or ... if they do touch you they go to jail.

I am 17.

I've actually had a basketball coach shove me once when I was reffing a basketball game. It was ... odd.
Wow, and the Brewers just picked up Sugar Ray Durham from the Giants.

The NL central is now locked up. In the bag. Sealed shut. Cubs are fucked.

Ray Durham is one of the hardest working, most intense veteran players in this league. A great clubhouse guy, too.

Congratulations to your 2008 NL Central champion Milwaukee Brewers!!!

and so marks the first time that someone declared a team the de facto champions based upon their acquisition of ray durham.
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