MLB '08, Part Dos

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like there's really anything to bet...

but i'll play along... what would you like to offer up.

meanwhile... hey, canadians can be clever in their mocking. who knew?!

I can't think of a worse fielding first baseman than Ryan Howard. Makes many simple plays look difficult, and anything above moderate difficulty is almost always an error.
Bad/Sad News:

Yankees Broadcaster, Bobby Murcer has passed away. It took me a while to get used to Bobby as a Yankee broadcaster, but I finally came around and enjoyed his broadcasts.

This sucks.
make that 8 in a row... 9 out of 10... 1/2 a game out of first place. and just like that the mets are in position to possibly go into the all star break in first place.

in the last time through the rotation... 5 games... the mets pitching staff is 5-0 with a 0.80 ERA (3 shutouts) and given up just 13 hits, including a 3 pitcher 1-hitter today. the 13 hits over 5 days is the lowest number of hits given up by a mets pitching staff over a 5 game stretch in their history (thank you elias sports bureau).

of course the rockies and giants suck... but impressive none the less.
This epic Phail is starting to really piss me off.

Time to give Durbin a start, me thinks. Adam Eaton just can't hack it anymore.

the 13 hits over 5 days is the lowest number of hits given up by a mets pitching staff over a 5 game stretch in their history (thank you elias sports bureau).

just read that it's actually the first time since 1900 that a team has given up 3 or fewer hits in 5 straight games. thanks again, elias sports bureau.

they must have a lot of free time over at the elias sports bureau. :hmm:
i would just like to add for the record that all this yankee stadium love is making me quite nausious... the entire stadium was gutted in the 70's. this is NOT the same stadium that babe ruth and mickey mantle played in, home plate isn't even in the same location as it was before the renovation, all the stands are different, the fences are different, very little remains from the original stadium, and it is, in fact, newer than shea stadium.

all of these facts have been conveniently forgotten by the yankees brass and major league baseball in their end of the year "celebration" of the house that ruth built before george gutted it and more or less rebuilt on the same location.
i would just like to add for the record that all this yankee stadium love is making me quite nausious... the entire stadium was gutted in the 70's. this is NOT the same stadium that babe ruth and mickey mantle played in, home plate isn't even in the same location as it was before the renovation, all the stands are different, the fences are different, very little remains from the original stadium, and it is, in fact, newer than shea stadium.

all of these facts have been conveniently forgotten by the yankees brass and major league baseball in their end of the year "celebration" of the house that ruth built before george gutted it and more or less rebuilt on the same location.

You likely meant nauseous.

I was born in 1970, and went to my first Yankee game at the old Stadium, but my earliest memories begin with the renovated version.

This is the only Yankee Stadium I've known. It's seen the Yankees win 6 World Series, and participate in another 4, not to mention all of the other playoff appearances. For me, this is the only Yankee Stadium I've known and to see it go away means a lot to me. That place holds memories galore for me, involving my Dad, my Grandfather, my closest friends, etc.

I suppose that it's easy for people that dislike the Yankees to paint the situation in such a light, but, frankly, it's also not that much of a surprise. If they had any sort of celebration at Shea, I'd puke my guts up because it's a rat infested dive, so I see where you are coming from. Love is blindness, so it hatred.

So, I cannot defend Yankee or MLB brass, and would not even if I could, but you ought to know that for me, to be able to attend the All-Star game at a place that's loomed so very large in my life as a sports fan is very very special and I'm not surely not alone.
That Tampa Bay 5-game lead in the AL East sure evaporated quickly.
oh i'm not saying you don't have the right to be sad the stadium is leaving... of course you do. as big of a dump that shea is i've had a lot of memories of going to games there... it's a dump, but it's my dump.

all this talk of the "old ballpark" in the bronx is just highly insincere, 'cause the entire place was gutted and rebuilt. very few things remain... part of the bleachers, a few beams here and there, a few catwalks and a bunch of seemingly oddly placed doors.

Thats what happens when you put 6 guys all named Elias in the same room.

Or stuff them in a bureau even :wink:

I'm actually far less annoyed by the Yankee Stadium stuff than I thought I'd be. But then again if it was the Sox moving out of Fenway at the same time the Yanks were leaving YS and the coverage and attention was this skewed I'd very likely be somewhat nauseous.

So here we are at the AS game...after that, it's trade season. Already some big deals (Cubs, Brewhahas). What's next?
oh i'm not saying you don't have the right to be sad the stadium is leaving... of course you do. as big of a dump that shea is i've had a lot of memories of going to games there... it's a dump, but it's my dump.

all this talk of the "old ballpark" in the bronx is just highly insincere, 'cause the entire place was gutted and rebuilt. very few things remain... part of the bleachers, a few beams here and there, a few catwalks and a bunch of seemingly oddly placed doors.


Another thing they never replaced at The Stadium when it was renovated was the plumbing system. Eventually old pipes have to be replaced.

Gotta say also, that its pretty sad that no one added any comments about the passing of Bobby Murcer. Bobby was a great ambassador for the game and I'll miss his self deprecating humor.
I don't remember him as a player but I always generally liked Murcer's work on Yankees telecasts. Being from CT I always got the old WPIX games and you'd have Murcer and Scooter among others. Much better than today, though I like Kaat (do they still have Jim Kaat?)
I don't remember him as a player but I always generally liked Murcer's work on Yankees telecasts. Being from CT I always got the old WPIX games and you'd have Murcer and Scooter among others. Much better than today, though I like Kaat (do they still have Jim Kaat?)

The Yanks don't have Jim Kaat anymore. He retired from broadcasting last season. He was one of my favorites too, so it sucked when he retired.

I remember when Scooter and Bobby were on WPIX together. In his later years, I couldn't stand Scooter anymore. He kept screwing up all the time and it was no longer funny. It took me a few years to get used to Bobby, but he was always fun to listen to.
I remember Mercer when he played for the Yankees from 79-83 and remember watching him on the WPIX broadcasts. I was saddened by his passing.

Speaking of the WPIX 11 broadcasts....anyone know where you can find that Yankee theme song that started off/ended the broadcasts? You guys know what I am talking about?
I remember Mercer when he played for the Yankees from 79-83 and remember watching him on the WPIX broadcasts. I was saddened by his passing.

Speaking of the WPIX 11 broadcasts....anyone know where you can find that Yankee theme song that started off/ended the broadcasts? You guys know what I am talking about?

I remember the song, but I don't know where you can get it. Remember during those WPIX broadcasts when every time a Yankee hit a home run, one of the announcers would say "Hey ___, this Bud's for you!". Every once a while, we'd be having a Bud thanks to Bobby Murcer.

That would be funny as shit if they did that nowadays.
Angels open the 2nd half with the Bosox at Angel Stadium. Should be good. Some good pitching matchups.
I'm of course very saddened by the loss of Murcer. I do recall him as a player, and certainly as a broadcaster. I also know a lot of people that worked with him, and they all spoke of him in glowing terms. Very sad....
ESPN Home Run Derby announcer (not Berman) after Grady Sizemore hits a 459 foot shot to the upper deck: "Wow! Who needs steroids?!?"

*immediate cut to shot of smirking David Ortiz*

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