Missing Pleban - Dismantled, where are you?!

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Dismantled said:
I came to put up a new pic of Wilder and I SEE SHE'S HERE!!!! She's beautiful Jules:heart:!!!! When? How was it? Hope you both are doing great:) I'm here if you need advise, support ..anything:hug: Not that I "know" but maybe I could help with stuff LOL! Congradulations!

Thanks gals! :hug:

Well, I delivered early. I ended up getting contractions during the night on July 7th which got progressively worse the morning of the 8th. Went to the hospital where I was told there was nothing they could do but to go home. I ended up staying due to high blood pressure. Soooo, they ended up breaking my water at 4:30 in the morning on Monday and I delivered her by C/S at 8:00. :crack: I ended up staying in the hospital for a week. They wanted me to stay for another day or two but I wasn't having it so I went home. lol

Oh and I did not want a C/S AT ALL! I had no choice though because she was stuck.

She's 5 weeks old already. She's so funny and tons of fun. :)
U2Girl1978 said:

Thanks gals! :hug:

Well, I delivered early. I ended up getting contractions during the night on July 7th which got progressively worse the morning of the 8th. Went to the hospital where I was told there was nothing they could do but to go home. I ended up staying due to high blood pressure. Soooo, they ended up breaking my water at 4:30 in the morning on Monday and I delivered her by C/S at 8:00. :crack: I ended up staying in the hospital for a week. They wanted me to stay for another day or two but I wasn't having it so I went home. lol

Oh and I did not want a C/S AT ALL! I had no choice though because she was stuck.

She's 5 weeks old already. She's so funny and tons of fun. :)

glad to hear your all safe and sound! We can be CS twins now:heart: recovery is a blast..isn't it:crack: how are you feeling?

it goes by so fast doesn't it:hug:

Wilder is 17lbs..I just had to buy him a sweatshirt size 12months :crack:
here's the latest of the little fuzz monkey...he's teething and chewing my fingers off LOL!


he's also just learned how to spit..he thinks it's funny, he was doing it and I went over and he let out this huge squeal and laughed...he's a nut.:lmao:
Dismantled said:
here's the latest of the little fuzz monkey...he's teething and chewing my fingers off LOL!


he's also just learned how to spit..he thinks it's funny, he was doing it and I went over and he let out this huge squeal and laughed...he's a nut.:lmao:

Eeek! So cute! :heart:

Recovery time was such a blast. I wish I could go through it again. lol

Oh and thanks all!! :D

Also, I should have noted that it was 8 at night that I delivered her by C/S. :|
:hug: Congrats Jules!

:love: Wilder is so adorable

:shifty: so when will he experience his first PGP dis???? or are we gonna have a real life PLEBAn party :evil:
U2Girl1978 said:

Eeek! So cute! :heart:

Recovery time was such a blast. I wish I could go through it again. lol

Oh and thanks all!! :D

Also, I should have noted that it was 8 at night that I delivered her by C/S. :|

don't you just love the searing pain:love:

ain't nothing wrong with delivery by CS (a lot of people think it's the easy way out and they need to be socked in the mouth:angry:...yes it's SO easy to be sliced open, have your guts removed and then have a human being taken out of you..SO easy, piece of cake!:rolleyes: ) anyway if that's what it takes for a healthy baby and mom, or to save thier lives then so be it:hug:
Galeongirl said:
:hug: Congrats Jules!

:love: Wilder is so adorable

:shifty: so when will he experience his first PGP dis???? or are we gonna have a real life PLEBAn party :evil:

what does that mean?? what are you trying to do to my child:angry:!!!


I don't think he's going to be allowed around you girls until he's at least 35:lol:
more sharing....

I put him in his excersaucer for the first time yesterday...at first he's like "mom what the hell is this thing?" then the next pic shows how much he likes it.


Dismantled said:

what does that mean?? what are you trying to do to my child:angry:!!!


I don't think he's going to be allowed around you girls until he's at least 35:lol:

:sad: we can't play with him?????

:cute: love the pics!
of course you can...I'll just have to keep my eye on you GG2...


thanks:hug: those rubber ducks he loves got the old heave-ho...he had one in his mouth..I dashed over and it was made in CHINA:| pisses me off....
SOooooooooooo :cute: dissy! fuzzy & teething!
*ducks the spit*

C-sec.......easy?!!? Yeah, right..............being opened up, but as you said......when it's got to be done- it's got to be done.

and :hug:S ***Congrats, jules***:hyper:

Skylar is lovely! 5 weeks already!
SOOO cute! :love:
YAY for Family Dissy! :wink: Thanks for sharing the fun us. :hug:

:yikes: :madspit: Good thing you checked those toy duckies, and gave them the Heave ho!

altho I BET Mr Dis could carve him a wooden duckie........that's NO good b/c he'd get :yikes: splinters, and any thing he could coat the wood with would ALSO probably be really unhealthy for Wider. :(

I wonder if someone is making money on E-bay by selling Non-China fabricated duckies. :ohmy:

*hopes Wider gets some safe duckies!*
Hey girls:wave: thanks for all the comments:hug:

Just went back to work today:( It actually went pretty well because I know he's in good hands and having fun with his grandparents during the day..I did have a major meltdown lastnight about it..ugh, it's so hard. We are doing great though:)
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