Missing Pleban #2 - love2bmama where are you?!?!

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:yippie: Awesome news Molly!! Glad things are taking a more positive turn for you! It's about time :madwife:

Love ya girl! :hug:
ok, BIG news here....my girls are coming to live with me in 3 weeks! My younger son is also coming, probably in about 2 or 3 weeks as well. I'm so happy, you guys know how hard this has been. I feel.....just.....:love: :happy: :hyper:.......everything good. Blessings truly aren't just for the ones who kneel, thankfully.
love2bmama said:
ok, BIG news here....my girls are coming to live with me in 3 weeks! My younger son is also coming, probably in about 2 or 3 weeks as well. I'm so happy, you guys know how hard this has been. I feel.....just.....:love: :happy: :hyper:.......everything good. Blessings truly aren't just for the ones who kneel, thankfully.

That is so fabulous...I'm really happy for you!!!!Congratulations!!!
[since I haven't been around much lately this comes to me as....
:yippie: .....a DOUBLE DOSE of GREAT news......!! :yippie:

You've had such a struggle.....and now big love & warmth right in your new home is there & with even more soon to arrive your way!

How ~*~WONDERFUL~*~ , Molly!!!:hug: :hug:
you guys....please pray/send positive vibes/whatever. My soon-to-be ex-husband is trying to keep the kids from me. Lilly is due to fly in here on Saturday and I don't even know at this point if she is coming or not. It's complicated, of course, but please just pray that things work out for the best and that I will be holding my little girl this Saturday night.
And from here too, as always... :hug:
He'd better do the right thing or have the wrath of a Pleban posse to contend with. :madwife:

Thinking of you and hoping for the best! :hug: :hug:
thanks you guys! I think those Pleban thoughts from around the globe worked, we have things worked out and as it stands now BOTH of my girls will be flying in from Anchorage on Sat. night, and my younger son next Thursday. Keeping everything (well, almost everything :ohmy: crossed until I see the whites of their eyes, but for now it seems the crisis was averted.
:heart: to you all
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