Miscellaneous Pictures #44

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Edge: I'm going to distract these photogs from taking pictures of Bono all the time... watch this :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Bono: Not so fast, The Edge. I want them to take my picture... :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Edge: I hate you.
Bono, you are a multi-millionaire. Why not have a jacket cut to fit you so that you could button it instead of holding it closed? I just don't understand. Is there no tailor out there that can fit clothes to you? My kingdom for a tailor!!!
Yay, new pics! And Larry came out of hiding! :yippie: Does that mean we'll have good weather? Oh wait, I'm thinking of the Groundhog.

I don't like Edge's shoes, either. But I do like Bono's purple shades and Adam's wolf shirt. :yes:
:lol: :lol: :lol:


He had to wear one thing that we both hate just to keep his ego in check. Otherwise the worship would be just too much. He learned after that golf picture... :D

I hate the fact that he didn't wear something with 3 buttons undone, instead!!! :angry:
Bono, you are a multi-millionaire. Why not have a jacket cut to fit you so that you could button it instead of holding it closed? I just don't understand. Is there no tailor out there that can fit clothes to you? My kingdom for a tailor!!!

:lol: He really has a napoleonic complex.

And it's quite cute that his sleeves are too long for him. :giggle: Poor wee Bono.
Feels like it's the tour all over again!

So happy to see the boys together! (especially the silver-headed one!)

edit to add: iI'm just crying with happiness to see all of them again! And clearly, Larry and Adam did not let themselves go :lol: (not that Bono and Edge did, but we've seen them wayy earlier already)
Feels like it's the tour all over again!

So happy to see the boys together! (especially the silver-headed one!)

edit to add: iI'm just crying with happiness to see all of them again! And clearly, Larry and Adam did not let themselves go :lol: (not that Bono and Edge did, but we've seen them wayy earlier already)

Actually they did let themselves go. They are wearing Manx - male version of Spanx. You don't even want to know how long it took them to get dressed today.
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