mcdonalds anyone?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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This messy though....

Boomer, what did he do to you? Should I call the authorities?

nope... but I bet there are a few people looking to try the new McDeathbear ... I here they will be serving it later today possibly.
I doubt it....
it will probably be like all of the other limited time offers.

they are around for awhile, and soemtimes even popular while they are.

but then they fade away into history and no one remembers them.
nope, i can distinctly remember at least 3 of my flavour favourites who were wiped off the menu. if i keep begging the manager, i believe he'll bring them back.

if not, ill settle with the regular ho-hum of the other donor kebabs.

this is from The Onion (funniest shit ever.)

Anyway the title was "LAPD discovers hidden deforemd third Olsen Twin"
When did Elvis become feral boy/borderline hermaphrodite?

Nice :up:
Elvis said:

When did it become ok to make defematory comments about myself or anyone else here?

Bad :down:

It wasn't directed at you.
It was the picture above.
And it was already established it was not you.

Misunderstandings :down:

Are you making inflammatory remarks about those of ferality or hermaphroditism?


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