Leek, Staffordshire Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I have a kuhkuri. Although I am an honourable fighter, I will only fight back, even against evil spirits. But this is a magical kuhkuri. I shall give it to you, Jen.


WHAT THE FUCK is going on in the video for tuf.

My overactive imagination has created a story, but I don't know if I should share it.
I wouldn't trust anything from a torrent or whatever... someone I know was trying to DL them randomly and kept getting malware/virus warnings. I emailed them to her instead.

the man claims the other computer got a virus from a music download, but then i thought, WTF i loaded it on the lap top and it was a reliable source, and virus checker didnt pick anythign up , meh :shrug:

he fixed it ,
the man claims the other computer got a virus from a music download, but then i thought, WTF i loaded it on the lap top and it was a reliable source, and virus checker didnt pick anythign up , meh :shrug:

he fixed it ,

Huh. I don't think viruses can leap through empty space for no reason, yet. Well, not computer viruses, anyway.
Vigilantism is a bit like the death penalty... satisfying in the short term, but you look a bit stupid if it turns out you've got the wrong guy.
Vigilantism is a bit like the death penalty... satisfying in the short term, but you look a bit stupid if it turns out you've got the wrong guy.

hmmmm nah, he had kiddie porn when they arrested him , so its justified anyway.

Rusty hot razor blade to the nuts .

However, facebook better not fuck up the trial .
Damn, I want to hear it, too.

Ok. Sorry, I have a thing for Scorcese mob movies. It just looks like, the members of U2 used to be friends, then something happened to Edge, and Larry and Adam are coming to kill Bono and Bono's just waiting for them.

Vigilantism is a bit like the death penalty... satisfying in the short term, but you look a bit stupid if it turns out you've got the wrong guy.

True, but Batman's a vigilante, and Adam plays what according to Larry is a Batman bass in the latest U2.com video, so logically, if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood, and therefore a witch!
True, but Batman's a vigilante, and Adam plays what according to Larry is a Batman bass in the latest U2.com video, so logically, if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood, and therefore a witch!

I respect this logic.
Also... hello everyone :D

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


tuf bono respects you and wants you to be a bro for maximum repsect
Ok. Sorry, I have a thing for Scorcese mob movies. It just looks like, the members of U2 used to be friends, then something happened to Edge, and Larry and Adam are coming to kill Bono and Bono's just waiting for them.


That's awesome. Do not feel bad about it. I have a picture in my current sketchbook of tuf bono holding a gun, anyway.

That's true, so respect it.


... your comic in the tuf bono respect thread...

:cornflakes of respect:

There are no words respectful enough.

and tuf edge's jacket is the poutine on the pizza.
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