Lana Del Rey

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Unimpressed with her SNL performance.

I get that she seems to be struggling with some major nerves, but dang. I'm unconvinced her style of singing lends itself well to a live performance. Maybe it's just her lack of experience and the nerves, but it sounds really forced and fake.

Is it possible she'll have major hype AND major backlash before her album is even out?

Video Games is still a cool song, though.
I've watched a couple of her live performances of Video Games that were WAY better than last night's performance.

She seemed to be slightly off, although I still thought it was good. Probably a combination of nerves, and maybe even some vocal strain? Or maybe she's already a bit tired of singing the song.

Great tune, of course.
I thought Video Games sounded fine. She has absolutely no charisma whatsoever and didn't seem to know what to do when she wasn't singing, but it worked well enough I think.

Blue Jeans sounded like shit. Awful vocals, weird mix, and what was that one dude shouting on the down beat all about?
Torched??? That's not fair of Gawker - Brian Williams just thought she stunk up the joint; he wasn't suggesting they set her on fire.
And then when NBCU asked for the email to be taken down, they left it up? Stay classy.
It's a shame she had such an off day on such a big stage. Especially with everyone ready to jump all over her
She seems like a bit of a snoozer live, even after watching the decent performance videos.

I think LDR is best enjoyed at home with a glass of red wine on a winter night, to be honest.
The album leaked.

It's a confused mish-mash of great pop balladry (Video Games, Dark Paradise, This Is What Makes Us Girls), mediocre electro beats, weird lapses into braggadocio that clash badly with the relatively soft music backing it and God knows what else. Not a bad album by any means, but there isn't anything here that tops Video Games IMO. Definitely screams label-rushed debut, considering how little effort they put into making this album cohere. But I'm sure it'll do fine, and there are a bunch of songs on this that I would like to hear on the radio once in a while.
This is officially released in just a couple of days, right? I think I'm going to wait until then. Hopefully it pops up on the Spotify.

Although I'm not so sure it will. It seems that they've pulled both "Video Games" and "Blue Jeans" from Spotify. They had been on there for months. I don't know.
Album isn't totally consistent, but out of the 15 songs on the deluxe edition, about 10 are absolutely great. But be sure to snag the deluxe version because those tracks are better than most of the other album cuts. I'm pretty impressed to be honest and even the weakest tracks are at least pleasant enough to kill the time alright until another strong one comes along.
If nobody's talked about her music up to this point, I doubt they're going to start now, but I do wish we could. The great thing about her finally having some music out (that is, if LDR is a separate entity from Lizzie Grant) is that we can talk about something besides her lips.

Video Games is still a wonderful song.

I stopped reading that article after saying he voted for Somebody I Used To Know. Idiot obviously only listens to mainstream radio and has somehow stumbled across Lana Del Ray and felt uncomfortable at listening to something outside the comfort zone.

In retrospect, this post makes me laugh.
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