Kaikoura, Te Wai Pounamu, Aotearoa (Kia Kaha, Aroha to all) Superthread

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Also, apropos FYM, Ian would you burn the New Zealand flag if somebody would buy you a beer?
Throw me a few band names and I'll put them through Spotify tomorrow. It's not a secret my music taste is fucking everywhere

These are my favourites at the moment:

The Hotelier - Home Like No Place Is There
Jimmy Eat World - any of Clarity, the self-titled, or Futures (my pick is actually Futures, even if most fans rate the other two higher)
Moving Mountains - Pneuma, and the self-titled
Pity Sex - White Hot Moon
Save Ends: Warm Hearts Cold Hands
Somos - First Day Back
Turnover - Peripheral Vision and the Humblest Pleasures / Change Irreversible single
The World Is a Beautiful Place and I Am Not Afraid to Die - Whenever If Ever
1905 - Voice
Also why do you ask? I'm not sure if I need to be beaten up in Melbourne

You could check FYM but it's just the whole "hurr fight fur teh FLEGGG" shit.

I have the current flag and the silver fern flag up in my apartment, and have since the Cricket World Cup, but if you told me you'd buy me a beer if I burnt them, where's my fucking lighter? IT'S A BIT OF CLOTH.
You could check FYM but it's just the whole "hurr fight fur teh FLEGGG" shit.

I have the current flag and the silver fern flag up in my apartment, and have since the Cricket World Cup, but if you told me you'd buy me a beer if I burnt them, where's my fucking lighter? IT'S A BIT OF CLOTH.

I'd burn the John Key flag and buy someone a beer.

But fuck yeah sunshine! Fire AND beer? Get in there
I'd burn the John Key flag and buy someone a beer.

But fuck yeah sunshine! Fire AND beer? Get in there

I fucking hated how the flag referendum became party political because I liked literally all those alternatives over the current one. For one thing, NONE OF THEM FUCKING INCLUDED THE UNION JACK.

The funny part was that every Aussie I spoke to was baffled that the referendum wasn't going to be passed easily. They were all like "yeah shit why WOULDN'T you choose those?"
I fucking hated how the flag referendum became party political because I liked literally all those alternatives over the current one. For one thing, NONE OF THEM FUCKING INCLUDED THE UNION JACK.

The funny part was that every Aussie I spoke to was baffled that the referendum wasn't going to be passed easily. They were all like "yeah shit why WOULDN'T you choose those?"

I really liked the black koru. That was outstanding.

If you're going to have a referendum, shut up and let us choose.
ALSO, I wish I had thought of it during the Cricket World Cup but now when I glance at my avatar fuck I wish I had that NZ cricket shirt. It's by far the best we ever had. But of course it's no longer on sale.
I really liked the black koru. That was outstanding.

If you're going to have a referendum, shut up and let us choose.

Hahaha my father fucking hated that one. "Looks like an unfurling milk tsunami", he said.
I have it. But it's the pre world Cup huge as fuck ANZ logo one.

Yeah that one's easy to find. I want the one without the ANZ logo, with New Zealand written across the front.

Ugh why did I not even think to look for it online during the Cup? Would've laid down the cash whatever the price.
I thought it was the most Kiwi one. Red peak was nice though

Fuck I hated Red Peak and that stupid campaign to get it in the second round of the referendum that backfired with it getting fuck-all votes. Looked like underwear.

Any of the fern designs suited me down to the ground.

Though I'd still take Red Peak over our current flag.
Little mystified. Maybe they mean state Highway 16 turnoff in Auckland? I didn't think there were pavement markings but I'll check tomorrow

Oh good I'm glad I'm not the only one confused. I can think of the give way markings (or WAY GIVE, as I like to read them) and the markings for one-way bridges but that's it.

In fact maybe they mean the one-way bridge markings? But geez they've explained it really poorly if so.
Yeah that one's easy to find. I want the one without the ANZ logo, with New Zealand written across the front.

Ugh why did I not even think to look for it online during the Cup? Would've laid down the cash whatever the price.

I'm equally as annoyed. I wish the Aotearoa version was more available. I'd have performed favours for that little beauty
Oh good I'm glad I'm not the only one confused. I can think of the give way markings (or WAY GIVE, as I like to read them) and the markings for one-way bridges but that's it.

In fact maybe they mean the one-way bridge markings? But geez they've explained it really poorly if so.

They might mean 16 north and south, but I don't think they exist. I'll confirm tomorrow
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