Kaikoura, Te Wai Pounamu, Aotearoa (Kia Kaha, Aroha to all) Superthread

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the first several times i saw the word, i thought it was just a typo or some other kind of shortening of the word babe. then i learned it was a whole different word and hated everything.

This was basically me.
You know the problem with posting from your phone? Anything more than a one liner just seems like way too much effort.
i can't even use speech-to-text because i'd wake people up. it seems *someone* thinks they should be sleeping at 3:30 when they have to be up at 9 to get ready for work. pfft.
I shouldn't laugh at that. But then again, Auckland/Wellington and Melbourne/Sydney....we're technically mortal enemies and still would buy each other a drink so maybe there is hope for humanity in a post-Trump world?

I was telling somebody this weekend that Auckland is a small Sydney and Wellington a small Melbourne. Seriously, when I fly to Wellington it's like I've travelled 3 hours just to go to another part of Melbourne.
i can't even use speech-to-text because i'd wake people up. it seems *someone* thinks they should be sleeping at 3:30 when they have to be up at 9 to get ready for work. pfft.

They should just quit their job.

Ahh academia, where turning up before lunch is early.
Sounds kinda like when my English language (or whatever the paper was) teacher was told what "turnt" meant.

Girl in class: Turnt is what you are when you're lit

Teacher: Sorry, what?

Me: Well she's not fucking wrong

Now here's a word I get but have yet to acquire into my vocabulary.

Also I will normally err on the side of Kiwi usage, but I really hate how "paper" is used to mean course/subject rather than, you know, an actual fucking paper that you submit at some point in the course for assessment.
i can't even use speech-to-text because i'd wake people up. it seems *someone* thinks they should be sleeping at 3:30 when they have to be up at 9 to get ready for work. pfft.

I can't use speech to text because I sound drunk and people think I'm weird.

Plus I bet me falling in the pool would give the same results as a loud "fuck"
I was telling somebody this weekend that Auckland is a small Sydney and Wellington a small Melbourne. Seriously, when I fly to Wellington it's like I've travelled 3 hours just to go to another part of Melbourne.

So I can say I've gone? I love Wellington when it stands still so I've stayed back on Melbourne hate. Just the sports teams.
Now here's a word I get but have yet to acquire into my vocabulary.

Also I will normally err on the side of Kiwi usage, but I really hate how "paper" is used to mean course/subject rather than, you know, an actual fucking paper that you submit at some point in the course for assessment.

Apparently it means turned up. Or essentially, fucked right up. Maybe that time I spend with 20 year olds has been useful. Ish.

Yeah I use it a bit more than the pedant in me should. But for my target audience it makes sense!
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So I can say I've gone? I love Wellington when it stands still so I've stayed back on Melbourne hate. Just the sports teams.

Mate, you need to fucking visit me before June next year.

Also, huzzah, back on a real computer.
i know! he used to play nashville all the time. then the last time he promised he'd be back that autumn and hasn't been back since. he might've been back once while i lived in nz, but that would've been it. he never played in nz at all while i lived there.

imo he was pretty good at all instruments. his early albums had him playing everything. one man's crude is another man's sexy, it seems. it's not like i listen to him to get in the mood or if i'm gonna :hydrahump: but it takes a lot for me to find something crude.

Why does Tim lie. :(

I see that he's got some show called White Cloud coming up in Melbs: https://www.artscentremelbourne.com.au/whats-on/2017/popular-music/white-cloud-tim-finn

Do you know much about it? I just want to see him sing songs. This sounds a bit out of my wheelhouse...

As for Prince, the less said the better from me, probably!
Stupid things I denied for too many years: emo music. So, what, about 2006 to 2013 or so.

Reality is I love this shit. Man oh man why did I not know about Save Ends sooner.
Sounds like my times in Wellington. I'm told they were fun.

You may remember glimpses of the morning when I drag you to a pretentious cafe for brunch - so you can buy some smashed avo rather than a house - before another bender through the inner north.
You may remember glimpses of the morning when I drag you to a pretentious cafe for brunch - so you can buy some smashed avo rather than a house - before another bender through the inner north.

I miss those days where I didn't get hangovers. However your cure sounds outstanding.

I'll have someone save my Snapchat story - problem solved
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