June 4th, 2011 - Qwest Field - Seattle, WA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Pioneer Square will be littered with hot dog vendors, catering to the bar crowd. They're everywhere in Seattle on weekends and on event nights.

If that's your thing, apparently the thing to get is a hot dog with cream cheese. They are, apparently, the bomb.

I haven't had one, but that's because I can't bear the thought of eating something like that so late at night. :wink:
Usually hotels nowadays have microwaves atleast on some floors on corridors for ppl to heat up milk for babies and some cooking too, not sure if every floor has those, but some certainly will have em :wave: atleast all hotels I´ve been into :sexywink:
By the way, I found out that while we can come to eat at the place a bit earlier, it makes no sense to reserve any tables, because the band is going to have all the tables moved out of the way when they play. They will begin soundchecking around 7 p.m. So I suggest there's no need for my birthday dinner to start until 6:30 or 7ish. 5 always was a bit early, wasn't it?
Pioneer Square will be littered with hot dog vendors, catering to the bar crowd. They're everywhere in Seattle on weekends and on event nights.

If that's your thing, apparently the thing to get is a hot dog with cream cheese. They are, apparently, the bomb.

I haven't had one, but that's because I can't bear the thought of eating something like that so late at night. :wink:

But are they wrapped in bacon? :drool:
By the way, I found out that while we can come to eat at the place a bit earlier, it makes no sense to reserve any tables, because the band is going to have all the tables moved out of the way when they play. They will begin soundchecking around 7 p.m. So I suggest there's no need for my birthday dinner to start until 6:30 or 7ish. 5 always was a bit early, wasn't it?

Difficult to say, as there might be people there eating/drinking after the baseball game or just hanging out. It's going to be pretty random, I guess. If there are no tables in the main stage area, then we're just going to have to hang out wherever, and as there's going to be so many people there, it'll be hard to have one spot/table where we can all be.

I think it's going to be a big free-for-all. Which isn't bad, as it makes for good mingling with all sorts of U2 fans!

But I already knew we couldn't reserve any tables - I had called a week or so ago. :)
But are they wrapped in bacon? :drool:

They might have that option!

hot dog and cream cheese?? I can't stand sushi with cream cheese, I'm not sure I want to start spoiling my hotdogs with them now...

Cream cheese! :drool:

I like cream cheese in some sushi rolls. I do want to try the hot dog w/ cream cheese one of these days.

Maybe on Saturday while we're in line - the baseball game vendors will be there selling their stuff.

The other day on the way to the bus, the shuttle went down the street by the stadium, and all the vendors were either hot dogs or Kettle Corn. So .... not much variety, but they were selling bottles of water for $1, so they've got that going for them!
This is my horrified face.

So ... hoping the others in GA check this thread. Most of the people I've been talking to are going to be getting their numbers as soon as they can, so likely won't need to go down en masse if we meet at O&T at 6.

If anyone is still planning on waiting until 6 to get a number, pipe up! But I think everyone now is just doing their own thing, and doing what works best for them. If anyone is there at 6 and wants to head down for a number, I'm happy to take a stroll if you don't know where you're going or just want some hyperactive company. :wink:

I'll see about making some sort of Interference sign or something. Or will make sure to post what kind of top I'll be wearing, so people can come find me if they don't know who/what to look for.

I'll plan on being at O&T around 6 in case anyone is still needing a number at that point, and we can run down to the stadium. Or just hang out and have a pint. :)
I had one of those hot dogs with cream cheese in Seattle once. The vendor said it was a Seattle specialty. Let's just say I was not a fan. And as a fan of the hot dog I was real sad to only be able to eat half of it. Yuck.
If they ARE taking out all the tables by the stage, I don't know how big a need there is to get there super early to beat the crowd, as the original intent was to snag a few tables near the stage to put our stuff and sit for those who wanted a seat throughout the night.

It's hard to say what time "the crowds" will be starting to gather. There might be people coming there after the baseball game, there might be people there just as part of their regular Saturday night fun, and then there'll be all the U2 fans.

I took a peek recently at the @U2 and U2.com forums to see if they were talking about their plans, and other than mentions of who was going to the show, and mentions of Zoo Station playing at Owl & Thistle, I didn't see much talk about how many people were planning to go, or what time they were going to meet.

.... which is to say, I don't really know what the best plan is. :lol:
If anyone is still planning on waiting until 6 to get a number, pipe up! But I think everyone now is just doing their own thing, and doing what works best for them. If anyone is there at 6 and wants to head down for a number, I'm happy to take a stroll if you don't know where you're going or just want some hyperactive company. :wink:

I'll see about making some sort of Interference sign or something. Or will make sure to post what kind of top I'll be wearing, so people can come find me if they don't know who/what to look for.

I'll plan on being at O&T around 6 in case anyone is still needing a number at that point, and we can run down to the stadium. Or just hang out and have a pint. :)

I'll be joining you. :) I always love hyperactive company. :lol: I doubt I'd be getting to the O&T any earlier than 6 anyway, since I'll be out and about for most of the day.
Okay, so let's say that anyone who still needs a number around 6 or so, come find me at O&T, and whoever is there by 6:15 (to give a little leeway for people who may be running late), we'll go run down to the stadium.

Once I decide what I'll be wearing on Friday, I'll let you know, so you know how to find me. Unless of course you are Thora or joyful or anyone else who knows what I look like. :wink:
My current flight gets in at 6pm but I'm going to try to get an earlier one since I have a 4 hour layover at LAX. If I can get on the earlier one out of LA I'll get to Seattle at about 2:30. I'm taking the light rail from the airport and will probably just stop at the stadium and check out the number situation on the way to my hotel.

One week till departure!! :D

We were having our weekly coffee tasting at work, and the windows in that spot overlook the stadiums.

I was looking longingly toward Qwest Field, wishing the spire were there already. :lol:

It's a great view of Qwest .... when the roof at Safeco Field is open. If it's closed, I don't have a good view. I'm hoping for sun next week so I can take pictures of the spire from my windows at work!

We were having our weekly coffee tasting at work, and the windows in that spot overlook the stadiums.

I was looking longingly toward Qwest Field, wishing the spire were there already. :lol:

It's a great view of Qwest .... when the roof at Safeco Field is open. If it's closed, I don't have a good view. I'm hoping for sun next week so I can take pictures of the spire from my windows at work!

I love that you have a weekly coffee tasting.
It's our departmental one, although in this building, you don't have to walk too far to run into some other team having a coffee tasting as well.

Ooh, where's Red Fin?

I've only been to two sushi places downtown - Umi Sake House and Wasabi Bistro. Both are good, but my favorites are in my own neighborhood (we have, like, 5 sushi restaurants - it's pretty ridiculous. BUT AWESOME.).
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