Here is my text and photos from Lansing:
Here is a brief description of my 36 hour odyssey to Lansing, MI to see U2 play their gig that was nearly announced two years ago. The campus was pastoral and quiet when I arrived, the last place you would expect to to see the biggest rock show of all time.
A healthy GA line had grown by 10:00 AM and it was fair and democratic. No queue jumpers or the sort. The sun came out by noon and began scorching those in line It was the first balmy of the summer day for this fan. It soon became apparent that fans and people in Lansing were gracious and welcoming to their visitors. Lansing also impressed me with its College-town feel and promoting itself as an Arts bastion.
Florence and the Machine came on around 7:45 and it was apparent they were a class act. I was curious how this English dramatist would go down in a State known for military and agriculture. More refined then her contemporary Ga-Ga, Florence managed to avoid ‘shock’ traps and performed a passionate, spirited show with her dutiful combo backing her up.
Since this venue was rather small by 360 standards, the band made their entrance through the back stands. The claw itself occupied every inch of the field as fans in the first rows were very close to to the structure. With no Red Zones this show, GA fans were able to cover quite a bit of ground on the pitch. Musical gear was also placed haphazardly though the venue like a messy bedroom. The band played a set list that relied heavily on their early 90’s material. Bono had mentioned that it was the idealism of American University campus’ that have provided many great things over the years. He gave shout-outs to the Peace Corps. and One campaigners. He also curiously asked for the whereabouts of Mr. Dooley, owner of the Irish club that they had played at 30 years ago.
By the conclusion of the gig, the band had left most fans with a perma-smile on their face. Jaw dropping awe was seen throughout the crowd as they marveled at the enormity of the Claw. When the last A minor chord was played, it was apparent that U2 had delivered on their year-long promise. And indeed was worth the wait.