July 3rd 2010 Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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We need to get this thread rockin' again. :sexywink:

(on the Vertigo tour, I remember getting really excited when buying groceries, and the best before dates of things I bought were after the dates of the shows :lol: )
Are there any unofficial gatherings planned?

We tried in September, but every place in the area we checked wouldn't reserve spots for us on the night of an event. :huh: I even e-mailed a few places when this date was announced, and came up empty.

I figured we'd wait a month or so and then try again? Of if anyone else has any ideas...? But yeah, a get together definitely needs to happen. :up:

Ironically, my smaller group of friends ended up in the back room of one of the places that refused to reserve for us, we had it all to ourselves, and that room would have easily accommodated everyone.



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