July 2, 2011 Vanderbilt Stadium, Nashville, TN

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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oh that's right, i forgot it closed so early. i tried to visit in 2009 and got there at like 4:45 so i should've remembered! :lol:

i'm not huge on bars but i recommend rum boogie cafe. blues city cafe is popular but i got crappy service the one time i went and i've heard rumours about their food.

oh, one other restaurant i recommend is huey's. they've been voted as having the best burgers in memphis since the mid-80s. they're a local chain so they're all over memphis, which is good since the downtown one is usually ridiculously busy.

Nice, thanks!! :up:

Good to know Sun Studios is a quick tour - maybe we'll be able to fit something else in. My friends are thinking of returning to Nashville that evening to minimize the driving time back to Toronto (13 hours instead of 16, lol) as one of the individuals has to work bright and early Monday morning :crazy:

And there's no way I'm lining up in that heat and humidity in Nashville - I'll check out that Parthenon (thanks for recommendation!) and there's also some other attraction not far from the Stadium but I can't recall what it is right now, lol...
I am also staying with a friend & walking to the show.

A Johnny Cash snippet or even The Wanderer would be great.

Ring of Fire, slow and soulful, in place of Amazing Grace into Streets. I am feeling it.
Looks like no rain just hot at this point.
I hope the only Electrical Storm we get is in the form of Music!!
That would thrill me to no end!
the forecast i looked at showed a 60% chance of thunderstorms on saturday. Hopefully thats been revised or wont happen, i havent bothered to look again yet. Just plan for the worst i suppose....leaving here friday morning and looking forward to it all!
I'm getting excited! :hyper::hyper:

We aren't arriving until Saturday, but I'll have to check out how far Thirdman Records is from the stadium.I might walk bye and say "hello" to all you good folks sweating it out in the GA line and see if ya'll need anything. Cannot imagine waiting in that heat. Are a bunch of us staying at the Marriott?

And Coolian, if I hear any booing I will come and find you;)

Unless I'm thinking of someone else who defended his booing at a concert. In that case, nevermind.
I'm getting excited! :hyper::hyper:

We aren't arriving until Saturday, but I'll have to check out how far Third Man Records is from the stadium.I might walk bye and say "hello" to all you good folks sweating it out in the GA line and see if y'all need anything. Cannot imagine waiting in that heat. Are a bunch of us staying at the Marriott?

And Coolian, if I hear any booing I will come and find you ;)

Unless I'm thinking of someone else who defended his booing at a concert. In that case, never mind.

BOO. Third Man Records is only open Monday-Friday.
the forecast i looked at showed a 60% chance of thunderstorms on saturday. Hopefully thats been revised or wont happen, i havent bothered to look again yet. Just plan for the worst i suppose....leaving here friday morning and looking forward to it all!

Here is what The Weather Channel is saying:
10 Day Weather Forecast for Nashville - weather.com
At the time of this posting 96 and mostly sunny.
tank top city!

pack sunscreen, a hat, aloe, multiple shirts or tanks (to swap out sweaty ones), sunglasses and please wear lots of deodorant! :wink:

I missed out on Old Navy $2 tank-a-thon. By the time I went on Sunday, all they had left were 3 pieces of XS tanks in black or white. :angry: People were complaining that they didn't have enough in stock at my store (and other stores as well by the look of complaints on Facebook).

I did manage to get a couple of tanks for 97 cents from the clearance rack. And I got a couple of the Flag tanks as well for $4 each. :applaud:
I will probably wear something sheer over the tank, but yeah, I agree with the deodorant!

I will bring an umbrella and a hat, flip-flops while waiting in the lineup, but probably will switch to sneakers before showtime. If I can find those portable fans at my dollar store, I will probably bring a couple of those too.
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