July 11th 2011 - Rogers Centre - Toronto, ON (Part 2)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Cool, I'll be aiming for same general area as last time, and will pop by the lobby afterwards if I don't see you before that. If you hear someone whining about their shoes that'll be me as usual!
Soooooo I bought my ticket for ga from someone on here - to be named later- just tries to scan in and it appears that person has refunded the ticket since the show was rescheduled- I'm standing in the box office line sp if anyone has a ga ticket to sell can you please text me asap at 519 851 1077!!!!!!
Soooooo I bought my ticket for ga from someone on here - to be named later- just tries to scan in and it appears that person has refunded the ticket since the show was rescheduled- I'm standing in the box office line sp if anyone has a ga ticket to sell can you please text me asap at 519 851 1077!!!!!!

OMG that's awful.
I don't know if they pretended to have lost it or what. The box office guy confirmed the person called and refunded on march 16 2011. Even if they did that give me a fucking heads up asshole. I'm now sitting on the steps at gate 11, can't even find a scalper. to the person trying to help me-getting your texts but my phone is blocked from replying international-please keep trying though. If anyone can do anything i'll have your kids for you or something :(
Long distance peeps I'm getting your msgs just can't reply, please keep trying for me!!! Dg contacted that number and have not heard back. Douchebaggery to the nth. Grrrrr
This guy on ebay seems local if you're willing to pay 1-416-907-3538


They are right onsight too getting rid of their tickets

Tickets to be picked up near the ROGERS CENTRE anytime after 2 pm on Monday. Please call us at 416-907-3538 or email us xlntix@gmail.com after the transaction is completed so we can exchange contact info. We will be onsight near the Rogers Centre all day July 11.
The broker only had red zone, and dg the contact has made plans to sell already- I'm dying here, may someone vomit down your throat rippled asshole. Stil looking and following up on all the leads being texted to me just can't reply
K whoever called mike from scotia for thank you so much- he's out though. Onsite gas are $200, I only brought $100 with me thinking I had a valid ticket. Going to a bank machine now but really hoping to find something for $120 ish
They'll drop like a rock once the show starts.. If they're still holding them by The Fly, they'll take like 120

I've contacted like 855557 people on kijihi and CL and given them your number, Snow. :hug: I hope Steve is right and prices start dropping within the next few minutes.

Also, I really wanna know who this fucker is.
Got a seat in 222 so if anyone on the floor wants to trade for a seatbgive them cell number please and ask them to text!!!
You're all in the loo peeing with me right now :D I bet you read posts like this and are happy I'm delinquent a lot lol!!

Sinday bloody Sunday is on right now, to those who've been looking atbsetleistd fuck detoured setlists how many songs left??

Ad YES I am bloat thrilled to be in the building right now and it turns out it's VIP and the guy beside me bought me abeer already and I love blue crack-I'd have lost my mind without you all backing me up-forever thankful xoxo
Ha, that's kind of awesome.

Sorry you had to go through that panic - that is just appalling that someone did that to you. Glad you got in. :)
I don't know if they pretended to have lost it or what. The box office guy confirmed the person called and refunded on march 16 2011. Even if they did that give me a fucking heads up asshole. :(

I know you bought from 2 people on here and I was one of them but I did not cancel my ticket because that would be Dishonest and wrong. I know I didn't call and cancel but I checked my statement anyway and I didn't receive a credit for this ticket on the card, I purchased the ticket with.

I'm glad you made it in the show....
You're all in the loo peeing with me right now :D I bet you read posts like this and are happy I'm delinquent a lot lol!!

Sinday bloody Sunday is on right now, to those who've been looking atbsetleistd fuck detoured setlists how many songs left??

Ad YES I am bloat thrilled to be in the building right now and it turns out it's VIP and the guy beside me bought me abeer already and I love blue crack-I'd have lost my mind without you all backing me up-forever thankful xoxo

Snowbunny, what a fucking shitbag that person is. And the fact that they're from the site? Fuck them. Out that scumbag.
Happy it all worked out in the end. What a show, eh?

edit: Unless it was that young lady up there as it seems it might have been an honest mistake. Either way, get your money back
So I just got home from the show. Wow.

Arrived at 9:00AM with 7 others and was 417 in the GA line.
The day went by really fast (they always do) and security was sooo cool.
The weather was very good considering they lined us up at Gate 5 out it the open to roast like pigs or get soaked like fish. It was cloudy and got pretty windy in the afternoon so all in all it was great.

Made the dash to the inner circle at 5 or 6? (I forget) and got basically right in front of Bono but a little bit on Adam's side too... it's where I always go for GA's as you have the best view of Bono from that slight angle.
There were only 4 or 5 rows of people so that was perfect.

Then a bunch of people (no more than 20 or 30) started yelling "OPEN THE ROOF" for about 2 minutes and magically... THE ROOF OPENED!!! It was soooo funny.

Interpol was pretty average... didn't engage the audience (or even make eye contact) and really was a shadow compared to Snow Patrol in 2009.

Then the band came on and all I can say is from start to finish they were amazing. Perfect. Just incredible. Saw them twice in Toronto in 09, saw them in Boston twice all in GA and I gotta say this was by FAR the best show of them all and probably the best show of my life (18 under my little belt).

All the Achtung/Zooropa stuff was increadible. Two encores... Streets, Stay, Hold Me, Moment to Surrender. What else is there to say... you were all there.

I did convert almost everyone that came with me to massive U2 fans who now understand why I do what I do to see them in GA seating. Totally different show when you are that close.

I can't wait for MONCTON BABY!!!!
Then a bunch of people (no more than 20 or 30) started yelling "OPEN THE ROOF" for about 2 minutes and magically... THE ROOF OPENED!!! It was soooo funny.

Ha! I was standing next to those guys (at least the bunch of them that were on the outside rail). I don't know if they had any sway, but it certainly looked like it. A funny moment for sure

Interpol was pretty average... didn't engage the audience (or even make eye contact) and really was a shadow compared to Snow Patrol in 2009.

Can't agree with you here though. The mix was sort of shitty, as Daniel's guitar was too far back, making for a muddy sound, but they absolutely ripped through their set. I was really happy to get to see them. I wanted to slit my wrists when I saw snow patrol open. To each his own though
We Lined up around 3, got in the pit and found a decent spot on the back rail on Adams side. First time in the pit, and it was awesome!

There was a guy who was carried out really fast, he was completely passed out :( I hope he is okay.
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