So---have been away all week but just wanted to check in and again thank everyone here for their support and extra thanks to those who went out of their way to try and help me find tickets with no notice- so very grateful, more than you will ever know - it helped me so much as I was walking around and around the Rogers centre by myself, hearing the band come on and seeing all the stragglers rush in with their valid tickets

. It sucks I had to pay a scalper to get in but at least I made it in for a bit
I would like to identify the source of the ticket I had that had been refunded on March 16th with no notice to me - however as I bought more than one from fellow u2 fans I'm not sure how I go about identifying where this ticket came from. I have received requests from people I bought from to confirm it wasn't them who sold me the later refunded ticket, and requests from others to identify the person so this doesn't happen to anyone else. At this point though all I have is a photocopy the box office guy made of the ticket for me with the refunded date (he kept the ticket when I asked him to check the history), and for privacy reasons obviously he wouldn't give me the persons name.
Without being able to confirm who the original ticket holder was at this point all I can do is assume they were in a very bad spot and really really needed that money back, however, whoever you are - please please please let the person know you are in a tight spot and give them a heads up in time to get another ticket if you ever (hopefully not though) need to do this again. Even 2 hours notice would have been helpful in my case.
Wouldn't ever wish this on anyone, but needing the money that badly to do this to fellow fan is an even worse spot to be in, God bless and I hope things are better for you now, whoever you are.