Jon Stewart on Crossfire

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 21, 2004
England by way of 'Murica.
Ok i was really looking forward to Jon Stewart on Crossfire. I expected to be rolling, Paul Begala, tucker carlson, and jon stewart really are a group of funny guys. It ended up being, well, WEIRD. Paul and Tucker were trying to keep it funny, crack jokes, and all they got was a very weird lecture from Stewart. I can understand what he was trying to say, but, it just didn't work. Paul and Tucker were obviously frustrated. It was really weird. He rarely said anything remotely funny. I think he was was very disappointing.
Yeah, but he called Tucker a dick, which was good enough for me. The problem is that Jon is doing a show mocking the media because the media is so easy to mock. And rather than get what's coming to them, Tucker just tried to boost rating by having him on. Whatever. I can't wait for the next two weeks with the Daily Show. I read the Times online, the Wall St. Journal online, but the only news show I have time for anymore is the Daily Show, which is great. If the media is going to be the laughing farce that it is now, at least laugh with it.
Tucker and Paul WANTED to laugh, but Stewart just lectured them. (Tucker's actually a really nice guy, he took me backstage for my birthday, he spent extra time to talk to me even though he had a plane to catch, etc. etc.) Don't get me wrong I really like Stewart and when he makes fun of the media its right on, but his appearance was just weird.
Oh yeah tucker was also gracioius enough to be interviewed by me for my journalism class. He really IS nice, even though i disagree with him most of the time. He is against the Iraq war, and is also against the death penalty. I like him.
Sorry I missed it. Tucker was on Bill Maher's show recently and he was good. Yeah, I disagree with him on most everything except for the war and death penalty but he's a smart guy. I love the Daily Show but I always forget to watch it.
I would like to have seen that, even if it meant seeing another side of the Jon Stewart I'm not familiar with. Jon Stewart is a brilliant, brilliant man. Plus points for having the most awesome sense of humor and for being... well, for being a damn sexy beast!!

I have an itty bitty crush on him. :love:
It was like watching a train wreck. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or so.

I like Jon Stewart and I love the Daily Show, but the whole thing made me feel like I was in the middle of an uncomfortable situation. It seemed to me that Begala and Carlson just wanted to lighten things up a bit, but Stewart wasn't letting it happen. He came pretty close to being a pompous ass.

I still like him, though.
medmo said:
It was like watching a train wreck. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or so.

I like Jon Stewart and I love the Daily Show, but the whole thing made me feel like I was in the middle of an uncomfortable situation. It seemed to me that Begala and Carlson just wanted to lighten things up a bit, but Stewart wasn't letting it happen. He came pretty close to being a pompous ass.

I still like him, though.

Same 100%. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way. and after 5 minutes it only got worse. I e-mailed tucker after the show i'm fairly certain he'll respond if/when he does I'll let y'all know what his take on it was. He's probably pissed.
Well, I wish I had seen it. Funny thing when I saw Stewart on Nightline, Larry King and O'Reilly he was the antithesis of how you have described him on Crossfire, strange? He is normally very loose and doesn't really get all that serious and when he does cracks a joke. And seems to always emphasize that people shouldn't listen to his show for actual news. They are lampooning news. They use actual news, they lampoon the delivery, the artifice and charade of the networks.

What was he lecturing them about? The fact they are mindless drones of their repsective party? I agree with him there, if that's what he said. Nothing is more painful than seeing Begala, Carlson, and Novak going back and forth with the talking points bullshit.

I actually like Carville though, he's from my neck of the woods and he's intelligent and witty. Abrasive, but I like abrasive. Carlson is okay, but he is a tool of the 'Pubs, less so than say, the Elephant tool bag Hannity.

Back to Stewart for a moment, I don't think he takes him that seriously maybe you misunderstood, of course I didn't see it so I would reserve judgement.
I really hope that I did misunderstand. Like I said, I turned it off after 5 minutes, and I was hoping that Jon Stewart would have let everyone in on the joke sooner or later, but from what I've read here, that didn't happen.

Like you said, El Guapo, I don't think he takes himself too seriously, either, but what I saw today was just plain weird.
As I suspected, I totally agree with Jon Stewart, Crossfire is to be laughed at, both sides. It's a mockery of our system, and probably represents it quite well actually. All they do is bitch about stupid partisan rheterroic talking points. I saw Tucker on Bill Maher and thought he came off as less of a 'dick' than I thought he was. I still hate Bob Novak=this guy is the reason Stewart hates that show.

John Stewart called Carson a D*&$ on Crossfire!?

Left Hooks and Right Jabs: Stewart Tangles With Carlson

By Lisa de Moraes
Saturday, October 16, 2004; Page C07

Jon Stewart and Tucker Carlson got into a brawl yesterday when the faux newsman began to lecture CNN's Richie Rich about journalism on the cable news network's "Crossfire."

Stewart, who set the tone by asking Carlson why he and Paul Begala argue so much on the show, noted that he made a "special effort" to come on the daily program, in which hosts representing the political left and right scream at each other. Stewart said he made this special effort because he has said so publicly, so often that "Crossfire" is very, very bad.

"I felt that wasn't fair, and I should come here and tell you that it's not so much that it's bad, as it's hurting America," Stewart told Carlson and Begala. "So I wanted to come here today and say . . . stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop hurting America.

"You're helping the politicians and the corporations."

"By beating up on them?" Begala asked, one of the few times he got involved in yesterday's melee. "You just said we're too rough on them when they make mistakes."

"No, you're not too tough on them. You're part of their strategies. You are partisan -- what you call it? -- hacks!" Stewart snapped.

But Carlson had a trick or two up his sleeve, noting that on "Crossfire" they ask politicians "pointed questions."

"I want to contrast our questions with some questions you asked John Kerry recently."

At that moment, up on the screen popped some of the questions Stewart had asked the candidate when he appeared on "The Daily Show," Stewart's Comedy Central late-night program.

"If you want to compare your show to a comedy show, you're more than welcome to," Stewart sneered.

"No, no, no, here's the point," Tucker said, going into that super-intense, piercing-stare, squeaky-voiced, quivering-bow-tie thing he does when he really gets going.

"If that's your goal," Stewart added, really enjoying himself now. "I wouldn't aim for us. I'd aim for 'Seinfeld.' That was a very good show."

"Kerry won't come on this show. He will come on your show." Carlson said.

Let me suggest why he wants to come on your show. . . . Here are three of the questions you asked John Kerry. . . . 'How are you holding up?' 'Is it hard not to take the attacks personally?' 'Have you ever flip-flopped?' et cetera, et cetera.

"Why not ask him a real question instead of just sucking up to him?" Carlson wanted to know, but not really.

"You know, it's interesting to hear you talk about my responsibility," Stewart shot back. "I didn't realize -- and maybe this explains quite a bit -- that the news organizations look to Comedy Central for their cues on integrity. . . . If your idea of confronting me is that I don't ask hard-hitting enough news questions, we're in bad shape, fellows."

"We're here to love you, not confront you," Carlson said, momentarily forgetting that viewers had seen the graphic listing the lame questions for Kerry that had been prepared for Stewart's visit.

"We're here to be nice," Carlson continued, disingenuously.

"I'm not. I'm here to confront you," Stewart said, "because we need help from the media, and they're hurting us."

Begala, the Peacekeeper, tried to calm them down, noting that "Crossfire" is a debate show.

Calling "Crossfire" a debate show is "like saying pro wrestling is a show about athletic competition," Stewart said. "You're doing theater, when you should be doing debate. . . . What you do is not honest. What you do is partisan hackery."

"You had John Kerry on your show and you sniff his throne and you're accusing us of partisan hackery?" Carlson shouted.

"Absolutely," Stewart said calmly. You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. What is wrong with you!"

"I'm just saying there's no reason for you, when you have this marvelous opportunity not to be the guy's butt boy, to go ahead and be his butt boy," Carlson said. "Come on! It's embarrassing!"

Believe it or not, things went downhill from there.

"We did promise naked pictures of the Supreme Court justices," Begala finally interjected, trying desperately to break up the fight. It was a reference to Stewart's book "America: The Book," which has such pictures in it, and which was supposed to have been the reason Stewart appeared on "Crossfire."

After a commercial break, Carlson said, "We're talking to Jon Stewart, who was just lecturing us on our moral inferiority." He then asked Stewart what he thought of "the Bill O'Reilly vibrator story."

"I'm sorry. I don't," Stewart snapped. "Where's your moral outrage on this?"

Several uncomfortable minutes later, Carlson told Stewart: "I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion."

"You know what's interesting though?" Stewart shot back. "You're as big a [male pride] on your show as you are on any show."

Isn't CNN lucky that FCC Chairman Michael Powell can't touch it because it's a cable network? 'Cause these days, that line alone would've cost them about a million bucks.

Aloha "Hawaii." Bye-bye "Benefactor."

The November sweeps are less than three weeks away. Time to scrap those struggling series!

NBC has shelved its Wednesday cop drama "Hawaii," effective immediately.

And ABC has slashed the remaining four episodes of its Monday reality series "The Benefactor"; they're being edited into two episodes to put viewers out of their misery as soon as possible while not infuriating the few who still care who wins this competition. The finale will air Oct. 25, getting the show off the lineup before the start of the November ratings sweeps.

"LAX," starring Heather Locklear as the head of the runways at Los Angeles International Airport, is going to replace "Hawaii" on Wednesdays at 8 p.m., leading into "The West Wing." Replacing "LAX" eventually on Mondays at 10 p.m. will be "The 24 Million Dollar Hoax," about a contestant who fools his family into thinking he or she has won the lottery in order to win a prize that's no doubt worth much less than $24 million.
Wanted to add one more thing.

Stewart appeared as if he wanted to confront them about being a shill to this wrecked system of ours, but immediately Tucker Carlson went on the defensive and chided Stewart's "journalistic integrity" , he's a comedian you twit!!!

Then calling him Kerry's "butt boy", that was a funny "joke".

Instead of talking about the bullshit that they perform daily on that show, a show on CNN, not a COMEDY network, he resorted to calling Stewart a "butt boy".

If anyone has watched the Daily Show for any amount of time, you know that noone, no side is immune to jokes or ridicule, they lambasted Clinton even back when Kilborn did the show. But the ever present partisan 'hack' Carlson quickly delved into his bag of partisan tricks, it's ALL THEY DO on that show.

Nothing, not one thing has ever been constructively gained from that show. It's mindless droning taking one side over the other.
It fuels the absolute divide in our country for people who just don't know anything other than the strict talking points, the Limbaugh clones, Hannity's crew, NPR leftists, Al Franken.

I believe that most of America is moderate and fed up with this garbage. That's why people watch the Daily Show, that and it's funny. We have a big corporate monster running our country, and they are on both sides of the aisle and they don't have any other interests but their own special monetary special interests.

I applaud what Stewart does on his comedy show, he makes fun of the system, this ridiculous system we have, by having a satire of a news program. These so called 'journalists' like O'Reilly can't fathom why people watch it, he even called them 'stoned slackers'.

People watch it because they are fed up, and those who spew their idealstic partisan venom don't know the difference, just like Tucker Carlson didn't, he doesn't know how. It doesn't go along with his playbook. Oh the left does it, like the poor man's Jon Stewart, Bill Maher. This guy thinks he's poigniant, clever or whatever term you want to use. I saw him tonight, he basically points out the obvious and has his own rhettoric. Sure, he's not as bad as the Crossfire morons, but he is more of a symptom of the problem than he is a solution, he is blatantly biased.

Stewart at least goes for the funny anytime he can, he is certainly unbiased about that. They aren't trying to be a real new show, but the talking heads can't figure it out, they don't even know what it is.
My thought is that if there is one thing Jon Stewart has said time and again it's that he is outraged by the media. So if he came across as serious it's because he is serious about their lack of integrity. That seriousness is the backbone of his comedy show.
The Daily Show IS funny, and yes I saw stewart on Larry King and all those other shows and he was hilarioius. His appearance, demeanor on Crossfire was just very strange. Normally I really enjoy watching Stewart, but he was just a completely different person.

I don't appreciate you calling Paul and Tucker morons. Both of them have done so much for me and are very kind to me. They give me advice, and they want me to succeed. They're not idiots, and they ARE partisan hacks, they know that! They don't mind Crossfire being lampooned, have you ever seen "Crossballs" on Comedy Central? They love it! They understand the impact of the Daily Show and what it does, and they were hoping for a taste of that yesterday. Instead they got a very STRANGE lecture by Stewart.
Don't get me wrong I love the Daily Show, it's brilliant. I'm just saying that the way he was acting on Crossfire wasn't like him at all. It was very uncomfortable.
Tucker is a dick! I'm glad Stewart blasted him and Paul. they try to be a serious show but it's just entertainment.

I want to know when they're going to charge Novak with treason.
I'm sorry, but his appearance was utterly brilliant.

Yes, he's a comedian, and yes he's brilliant when he's funny, but for God's sake, what he was talking about is no laughing matter, and I think the problem is that those two clowns tried to laugh along, and that was Stewart's point - stop making a mockery of all of this.

Somebody needs to call out the mainstream media on their bullshit, and I'm glad he did it. He totally handed it to the both of them.

Plus, he called Tucker a dick. :drool:
Jon Stewart articulated my thoughts on Crossfire, so I'm more than happy with his performance. For the past few years Crossfire has been the least informative news program on television, and perhaps that explains its slagging ratings.

Tucker and Paul are angry, I presume, because he didn't follow their idea of the interview. He was funny, but in a different fashion. His comparison of Crossfire being like Pro Wrestling was very astute, and he held his own. Too bad they took so many commerical breaks...thus cutting his interview to a mere few minutes.
I think the problem is that the Crossfire guys thought Daily Show was a satire of politics. It's a satire of the media and if they didn't get that, Jon would make sure they did.
Gosh, I didn't see this. Tucker, Paul and Carville all strike me as basically decent guys with strong opinions. Hell, I don't expect these guys to be milquetoast. I'm not. Why should they be? :wink: :wink: :wink: :censored: :censored: :censored:
:up: to Stewart as always. He cracks us up and makes us think, and he wanted to finally get serious for a second on a REAL news show. It troubles me that both these men KNOW they're partisan hacks and are comfy being so. If Stewart made folks squirmy with that, the audience included, more power to him. They're a large part of the problem. Loved esp. his line about the trouble we're in if CNN is taking its cues of journalistic integrity from a comedy show! :laugh:

Jon Stewart reminds me of my ex-boyfriend. I like Jon, but I'm sorry I don't pay attention to what he says, all I'm thinking is my ex-boyfriend. :drool: :madspit: :ohmy:
I dunno - yeah there were a few awkward moments, but on the whole I think Jon Stewart kicked ass. Clearly they expected him to come on, crack a few jokes, and basically spend time talking about stuff that doesn't really matter. Instead he tore them a new one. :D He was absolutely spot on when Tucker tried to question his journalistic integrity.

Nicely done, Jon, nicely done. :up:
I've only seen Crossfire a couple of times and wondered how anyone could stand all that screaming. From the Washington Post article posted here, I agree with what Stewart said, although I did like Tucker when he was a guest on Bill Maher's show. :up:
I watched it online yesterday, there's a link for it on, in the political humor section

It looked like Tucker was really ticked off, I'm not a fan of his either...

It was strange though :huh: I think Jon perhaps was a lil' cranky and got out of the wrong side of the bed that day..hmm, that's a thought :wink:
Thanks for the link, sharky.

I didn't find it weird or out of character for Stewart at all. I thought he was right on. :up:

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