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I had a coral snake (I think that's what it's like one of the most poisonous snakes) slither infront of me one time. Believe me I was about 40 ft away from it in like 5 seconds LOL
you know MG, for freaks of nature as they are, having no legs and all, they can probably outrun you...

im not trying to scare you! they're just smart. underratedly smart.

Angela Harlem said:
forgot to ask, have you lara?

:lmao: Here?
We don't have snakes here, well some people have them imported and keep them as pets. We do have spiders though. We also have frogs in our backgarden because of the river but thats a good bit away from the house. We also have all these birds nesting in the trees too. They all start squawking at 4 in the morning. :|
ah i forgot, some crazy saint drove them all out of ireland with a whacking stick or something once didnt he.


shoulda deported him to aus after that.
Angela Harlem said:
you know MG, for freaks of nature as they are, having no legs and all, they can probably outrun you...

im not trying to scare you! they're just smart. underratedly smart.


I love watching the snake man "Oh, oh crikey, 'eres a big un. croikey, look at that" Me and my brother always watch it, he thinks watching animals with jobs/ talking animals is more entertaining than Steve Irwin. :|
The Thai snake man was killed a few weeks ago after he was bitten by a Cobra. Dangerous job that.
oh lara. he is not entertaining!
well, he migfht be as i have never seen his show once.
i just know he is embarrassing.

you know....nevermind :wink:
Angela Harlem said:
ah i forgot, some crazy saint drove them all out of ireland with a whacking stick or something once didnt he.


shoulda deported him to aus after that.

I don't think he really did that though ;)
Maybe you could be like the Pied Piper of Aus, and with your music drive the snakes from the country. :up: It might be more interesting than using a whacking stick :hmm:
Angela Harlem said:
oh lara. he is not entertaining!
well, he migfht be as i have never seen his show once.
i just know he is embarrassing.

you know....nevermind :wink:

You obviously have never watched Animals with jobs then :| It's woeful, anything is great in comparison.
I was staying in my friends one night and we were watching Steve, for an hour random people in the room kept copying words he said, every two minutes you could here "oh croikey" or "it's a big un this"
Lara Mullen said:
I was staying in my friends one night and we were watching Steve, for an hour random people in the room kept copying words he said, every two minutes you could here "oh croikey" or "it's a big un this"
and still for some reason some aussies are embarassed by Steve :D

you should visit his Zoo once
you haven't truly lived unless you've seen the Steve Irwin gift shop :crack:
oh golly yesh

Steve Irwin shirts, hats, pants, cards, glasses
you name it, he's got it :no up:
This is almost as strange as the Snowman phenomenon (is that spelt correctly?? :shrug: ) in Japan, they plastered the snowman picture over everything, food, soap, shower gel, cereal boxes... you name it the Snowmanwas on everything.
you should really write him to give him some suggestions :D

he did have raincoats, boots, underwear and action figures

I was more succesful in resisting to buy something than being able to not pee my pants
they have a gaping crocx pic on the front with
"lety me bite you"
i bet.


noyt all aussies are eviel do we all underasnta d this?
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