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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
The next time you decide to air reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond, please send me a note in advance so I have time to slit my wrists. :angry:
:( It's on all the time on Paramount Comedy. :( The worst is when they run it and Becker over and over again all weekend and there's no Frasier. :(

Europe only got television in 1986, and the only channel was all government propaganda until 1997. Now it's just bad American sitcoms.
I heard there's a new sleeping pill that contains Diphenhydramine like old timey Benadryl and doesn't contain acetaminophen.

Doozer61 said:
i like watching 4 hours of Raymond everyday on 3 different channels! :up:

Same :down:

It's maybe the most overrated sitcom other than Friends, but at least isn't as shitty as Friends.

ehh... I'm David Schwimmer... uh...
God what is wrong with you people!

ELR is one of the funniest shows on TV.

I could watch re-runs all night.

:heart: Raymond :heart:
LemonMacPhisto said:

Same :down:

It's maybe the most overrated sitcom other than Friends, but at least isn't as shitty as Friends.


Friends, Everbody Loves Raymond, Becker, Frasier, How I Met Your Mother, My Name is Earl, Spin City, Drew Carey Show, etc etc I love American sitcoms.
Everything after the first two you listed are great shows.

Raymond isn't a bad show, but I don't think it's worthy of being in that echelon of "greatest sitcoms ever," but hey, opinions opinions.
I've found it mild to moderately funny at times. It's no Seinfeld, Cheers, or Office, though.

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