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ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000
Three days of strenuous exercise, and I feel fucking awesome. It is my goal to be totally toned by the time I move to Boston (4 months).

Oh and I've decided to legally change my first name in the real world. Not that any of you really know my real name anyway.
I kind of like the "Saul to Paul" religious significance of changing one's name.


"Still, I never understood the elevation of greed as a political credo. Why would anyone want to base a political programme on bottomless dissatisfaction and the impossibility of happiness? Perhaps that was its appeal: the promise of luxury that in fact promoted endless work." - Hanif Kureishi, Intimacy
I know your feeling, except I'm not moving to Boston. I am fit and skinny, yet I eat like a horse (or I'd blow away) and drink adult beverages to excess + moderation too.

I am actually sore from moving stuff all day saturday, but it's that good sore feeling that you know you've accomplished something.

Make sure you give your muscles a day or so rest before you attempt working them out again.

Press on !
Yay!! Excercise rules...damn, that reminds me to do it more often.

And congrats on the name thing! I once considered changing mine once too, and no...not to September, you freaks.

Do you have an opinion, a mind of your own?
I thought you were special, I thought you should know
I'm going to change my name to Denise Gratiot and become a porn star.

"I'm nearly great, but there's something missing..."
In the last 6 months -

I've become a vegetarian
and started doing 200 situps a day.

I am also on the Slim Fast plan.

I can't truly say my appearance has changed other than my hair when I dyed it blonde.

What am I not doing?

What are ya'lls exercise plans?

I can scream as loud as your last one, but I can't claim innocence.
Now that spirng has officially sprung - I need to start training for sprint triathlons.

I run throughout the winter (at least three miles a day - five to six times a week). I purchased a $1500 bike last fall - and REALLY need to start using it. And, I need to start swimming (the weakest part of the triathlon events for me). I am doing a 10K running race in two weeks (OMC).
I took up running in addition to skating and it's gonna get me buff so all the women have to notice me.

My goal is to run 15 kilometres without resting at the end of the summer.
Good Luck Melon!

I started walking 3 miles a day 5 days out of the week back in January! And cut soda completely since December! MAJOR DIFFERENCE! I have more energy, lost weight, although now some pants fit me loose, and feel good!

Excercise is good!
i rollerblade about 4 times a week in town, really late when everythings dead and im all alone with my discman. its awesome.

hey melon, good luck with your life, it sounds like your gonna be experiencing some new things. best of luck all the way!

Good stuff melon! Best of luck.

I changed my name once, and it wasn't very hard, its just weird that for all those years I was this person, and now its like she died, and the current me started on this specific date. I went to school with a girl who changed her first name and it suited her a lot better. But her original name was Gaye and she made everyone use a nickname until she got through deed poll.

I also got a mini tramp for xmas and have plans to start using it really soon!

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