ITS OFFICIAL #1317 I won!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
I was drivin along in my car and my radio station played a song by a local band and asked people to call in and tell him if they liked it and that the 5th caller would get their cd. Well I dont usually call radio stations but I liked the song so I thought ok why not. I got through after like 3 times, apparently I was the first caller but he said since I was the only person that had anything positive to say he was going to give it to me. yay! :D

Then he yells at me for talking on my cell phone in the car :laugh:

Then he gets my info and after telling me hes going to stop by tonite :eek: :laugh: I told him I am a huge U2 fan and it would be cool if he could play their new song today.

Dude: Oh you're down with U2?? Do you like, get a hard on when you see Bono?

:lol: :lmao:

Uh .... huh huh.

:wave: I have never won anything
The only time I've ever gotten thru on a contest ....i was one caller too soon for a full body massage and a half day at a day spa....THAT would have been nice.....:drool:

Congrats! BTW who was the artist??? that you won?
can you be my lemon drop bitch too?

Hmm.. Dexter Danger or something? :confused: I've never heard of them till that song.

Oh I found a website

:wave: I should have told him that girls dont get hard ons
Unreal Sicy! I would have hung on on the guy...but I dont handle weirdos very well lol.
last radio comp I entered was years ago to win an all expenses paid trip for 2 to see U2 in Vegas. To be in the comp, you had to get on the air each night and be like the 5th caller from each night or something. I got through 3 times and won 3 copies of Pop each time. I had already bought Pop, so everyone got a copy of Pop in their Christmas present that year.

And no, I didnt win the trip to vegas. Some loser arse non fan did.

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Congrats Sicy!

I won tickets to see Garbage off the radio once. But that was many moons ago. I also won them at 4 in the morning which probably explains how I got through in the first place.
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