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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
i just made a mortal enemy out of someone in the printing industry:ohmy::no:
hold me

this is also my first post in eons.
i dont know you much but...

i'll hold you. sorry kobey that sucks
Printers are people too

Don't beat on printers. They get beat up enough.

:wave: I'm not even kidding
if we all put our heads together...we can figure out what an eon is...

well frosh week is next week-as communications director of student society it's my job to attract the younguns and get 'em to sign up, be involved in thier school and whatnot.

so we need some promo stuff-keychains, hi-liters namely. i know nothing about graphics but i download the trial version of illustrator and start to play around-settle on a logo. concurrently we take quotes from different companies. this one guy is less than everyone else-not enough to make you suspicous but enough to make him the winner-about $75 really.

i talk to him on the phone and it all seems good. he sends me some sample pictures and i like what i see so we sign an agreement-i sign off on about 8 grand worth of the schools money(that's almost two tuitions!).

then the printer guy calls me-there's a problem with the image file. i ask him what the problem is-only at this point do i find out this fool is clueless as to what he is doing-he just got a computer and knows less about graphics than even i do. he forwards me the email he got from the company who actually does the printing. i call his office to ask a question, he's not there, so i call the number in the footer of the forwarded email and talk to the girl herself and we work out the problem together. half hour later the character calls me p.o.'d cause i talked to the printer directly. apparently he's a little touchy when it is exposed that he is merely a middle man who jacks up the price and offers absolutely 0 to the project-no knowledge of printing, image files, printing was a laboured experience getting an email from him.

i called his office again and got his secretary(who of course turns out to be his wife:tsk: ) and she's a big bitch. i told her as much and what i thought of her 'boss'. she started to cry.

what a couple of hacks. why don't i start a printing company? i know how to send email. i can call companies and get catalogues. im most pissed off at myself because i left it all too late.

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Re: if we all put our heads together...we can figure out what an eon is...

kobayashi said:

why don't i start a printing company? i know how to send email. i can call companies and get catalogues. im most pissed off at myself because i left it all too late.

im sure you could do a better job anyways. sorry your having a bad day kobey:(
you picked a moron to work with

You are buying promotional materials, or as I like to call them do-dads. Not the same as printing.

Sounds like you are dealing with a broker, not a printer. Don't assume everyone is like that in the business. All he does is pass on your order to someone else and obviously knows nothing.

It is not an easy business to be in and it is very expensive to start a printing company. Most people in the business are very helpful and knowledgeable.

ouch kobe..I work in the same industry and can't count the number of times I've had to employ alternative strategies to cover for other people, or to avoid similar confrontations. If it was simply about getting from point A to point B as efficiently, and directly as possible everyone would be having a go :D:huh:
tell them off kobe

I hate stupid people that have jobs and make a lot more money than me.

:wave: I will bet someone 10 bucks that flower's internet is down again
an eon is as long as you want it to be

it is neither here nor there
it just is
kobe that was the longest post you've ever done. let's go kick some ass.

Sicy said:

:wave: I will bet someone 10 bucks that flower's internet is down again

*hands sicy ten bucks

*kicks the crap out of her company's sorry-ass isp

flower needs a new job.. one with reliable internet service

My printer eats envelopes.

:wave: One time.. I found ten bucks on the ground in a liquor store.. and I was sooo excited
my hands hurt too much to kick ass after all that typing

i get annoyed when the internet stops working.

Sicy said:
One time.. I found ten bucks on the ground in a liquor store.. and I was sooo excited

we call that...bonus liquor


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