It's Offical #Life with Lilly

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left

I finally got my pics back today.....


^this is my cell....errrr....dorm room. That's my side there. Very clean ;)


^Ali Rose playing Trivial Pursuit in my room while stealing my yarn.


^ Ali Rose, Walkron, and Lemon Meringue playing Seamen games at Twin Cities brunch.


^ Flying my pirate kite on Saturday.


^ out for supper with the Twin Cities crew.


^Me and my kitty. :cute:


^Extreme close up of Kitty
nice pics:)

does every dorm room in north america look exactly the same? why didnt they do a second design?
you have a cat in residence?
Piccies! :hyper: aw you guys get to hang out regularly? I want more Interferencers to live closer to San Diego Dammit :pout: By the way your dorm room doesn't look like the typical ones I used to see. Yours actually looks cool... like a bachlorette pad heh heh. I wanna play Trivia P now :shifty:
no they don't look exactly the same. mine is pretty typical of a state university though.

the second design is my neighbors, they're room is mine exactly except mirrored ;)

no, the kitty pics are from my bedroom at home.

^my friend flying her tucan kite (the sororoty houses are in back)


^the missouri river valley that my town overlooks (this is taken from nebraska looking onto south dakota)


^proof that my room used to be interference blue
So Lilly, if that picture of the cieling was taken while you were in laying in your bed... does that mean that everyone who looks at it is laying in bed with you? :shifty: :stares at photo: :lol:
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Do you forget who you are, what's up with all the signs? :scratch:

They're just old name tags and labels - I show that the top bunk is mine.

Keeping stupid shit = a college thang.
I :heart: pictures. Your kitty is so ----> :cute:

I have tons of pictures of my old dorm room, but I don't think I ever scanned them.

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