Is there anyone here that is annoyed by

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U2_Guy said:

Hmmmm... we are definetely not listening to the same album.

No, I think we are. I haven't noticed the chimes because they work cohesively with their songs.

But some of you seem to always need something to complain about, so go ahead and have your fun. It's as if it's impossible for some of you to just enjoy the music for what it is. Your loss.
Christmas Carol:laugh: :laugh:

The Edge did some top notch work on this album. He is everywhere on this album with his guitar loud and clear.
Yeah I can't think of any song on this album I like that sound on. Esp bad on One Step Closer, which definitely calls for a rawer sound. The overall sound of the album is somewhat annoying really, basically the blandish keyboards all over the place and Edge's abuse of his JT ringing guitars especially after finding out in the 90s what he's capable of doing.
Axver said:

But some of you seem to always need something to complain about, so go ahead and have your fun. It's as if it's impossible for some of you to just enjoy the music for what it is. Your loss.

exactly. i like enjoying U2's music more than complaining about it.
It's funny, people say Zooropa has little guitar, they're wrong. Zooropa(song) has tons of it. As does Babyface and Stay. That "Whadda whadda" sound in Lemon, it's a guitar. The high pitch chimey sound on the chorus of SDABTO, it's a guitar as well. The only song w/ little guitar is DGPFYCC, and it's still in there, just processed beyond recognition.
Maybe you all think it's chimes, when it's actually Edge creating the sounds w/ his guitar, which it probably is. So people complaing about lack of innovative sounds are actually getting their innovative sounds, they just don't know it.
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