Is Bono campaigning for Kerry, or what?

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Rachel D.

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Oct 15, 2003
At the Lettuce Bar
'Tis a shame. I keep hearing and reading things about the Democratic National Convention, and the celebrities who will be there, and they mentionin Bono. I thought he was just going to the Ted Kennedy-worshipping ceremony, but these stories make it sound like Bono is going there to support Kerry. Now he's making himself look like just another liberal celebrity, and they're a dime a dozen. So much for being bi-partisan. :sigh:

What are your thoughts on this? What are Bono's intentions? What does he intend to accomplish?

I'm going to go hide under a rock now. Wake me when it's over.

P.S. - PLEASE don't put this in the Free Your Mind section! I beg you. And I don't intend for this to be a political discussion, just a Bono discussion.
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Well, I know Bono supported Clinton and Gore and has a problem with daddy Bush. I don't know what his stance is on Bush Jr. Maybe he just believes in the ideals of the democrats more than the republicans, I mean he IS an artist, and democrats are for government funding (national endownment of the arts among them) where as Republicans are not. *shrug*

Oh well, I doubt this will help you any.
I completely agree Rachel :( It came as quite a disappointment to me. I do not like or respect Ted Kennedy, and was sorry to see Bono 'honoring' him. I am also not happy with the loss of his bi-partisan, play both sides of the field for the cause policy. I feel this is not the best thing for his connections in DC, he needs to remain impartial to keep all support for Africa!

I also agree it makes him look like another liberal celebrity, and while he can do what he wants :blahblah: I don't have to like what I see. I do not want to read any reports of this event, or see any pics. I guess I am kind of 'mad' at Bono, the way I get at any person I know and care about. After 21 years, I feel like he's a friend, so that's how it is for me.

A lot of people here keep taking up for him, saying this doesn't make him partisan but I don't see how it doesn't. I feel the same as you, so make room under that rock :reject:
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Wait a minute - Bono's not allowed to honor a person any more? C'mon! Regardless of your views of Sen. Kennedy, the man has been a politician for decades. Yes, he's presented a very liberal stance - and thank God for it! His views are needed to counterbalance the extreme right wing views of his colleagues. But this is beside the point - Bono is honoring him in the same way one might honor the late Pres. Reagan. As Kennedy knows Bono, Bono was invited. If the Reagans new Bono, he might have been invited to say a few words on behalf as Reagan as well. Don't make this more than it should be.

Now, if Bono were up there saying "Vote for Kerry", I can understand your views (even though I would agree with Bono 100% as I feel W. is the worst U.S. president in at least 70 years).
:shrug: I just think bono has a right to his opinion. Over the years, I havn't always agreed with him, what he says or does! Or the band, for that matter. :|
u2ulysses said:
If the Reagans new Bono, he might have been invited to say a few words on behalf as Reagan as well.



You haven't been paying attention. You may not remember Sun City and Reagan supporting apartheid. Bono, on the other hand, probably hasn't forgotten. Nor has he forgotten the way Reagan ignored AIDS as it got a foothold in the US.

I don't know why there's always so much hand-wringing and tooth-gnashing when Bono's liberal stripes appear. Deal with it; the man is not a conservative. He never was.
I could care less and wouldn't be surprised considering how liberal the group seems to be or have been over the years. Kennedy's also Irish and aren't the Kennedys' loved by the Irish or something?

Bono is his own man and to be honest what's the big deal. I remember Bono hanging out with Mr "evil" conservative" Jesse Helms and people being all in huff about it which I thought was lame (LOL, so at the other end of the spectrum, Bono hangs/ honors Kennedy and he gets criticized, too). Bono is an equal opportunity man.

Also these days, with the media scrutiny on activist celebrities, Bono is probably not going to influence anyone who wasn't already of a liberal pedigree/ beliefs.

Oh yeah, I don't care for Ted Kennedy. Hell, I'd honor Strom Thurmond, who was also honored a couple of years back, before I'd think about giving a care about Ted Kennedy (I don't care for Strom either).
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Bono was never bipartisan. He only played a bipartisan on TV so he could get what he wanted and accomplish what was necesary in Washington.

I don't know why people get their panties in a bunch over this anyway. Bono came here (Canada) in support of our current Prime Minister, and I didn't vote for him, as he wasn't leftist enough for me. Regardless, I enjoyed Bono's speeches about Canada's initiatives in the fight against AIDS, and I'm glad he raised awareness. Who cares who he was standing next to, I'm not that dumb to vote for a guy just because he got Bono's stamp of approval.
Seriously folks, what does it matter? If you are going to let a celebrities views (yes even Bono) influence you or convince you who to vote for you have way more problems than who is going to be president. Get to know what each candidate REALLY stands for, do some research and then vote for who you honestly feel represents the most of what YOU believe. But dont let celebrities or the media tell you who they think you should vote for. Bono is not a Democrat or Republican. Why? because he is not an American!! LOL ;)

I have not always agreed with Bono's stances on certain things but he probebly wouldnt agree with me either on everything I believe. But that doesnt make me like the music any less, or cause me to enjoy the concerts any less. I remember when Bono invited Jesse Helms to the DC concert and went to meet President Bush, some people here hated it. But did it make you like the music any less? What if he turned up at the Republican convention also? Would that change any of our viewpoints on the music or the concerts? Not me!
Get a grip on yourselves.
The man can and will "support" whomever he chooses to, and if it upsets you... tough.

He's NOT your friend, and he's NOT my friend either; he's a performer with a social conscience and agenda who will play whichever side of the road suits his purposes at any given point in time to accomplish the goals his "causes" (and emergencies, as he put it at the DATA rally) require.

Blue Room made the point perfectly -- Personally I can't stand Jesse Helms or the Pope but I'm not going to throw a nutty because Bono met with, spoke well of, or supported those men -- likewise I am not about to turn around 180 degrees and think Helms was wonderful just because Bono met with him.
Do you not grant other U2 fans the ability to THINK FOR THEMSELVES in this election? What are you afraid of? Do you think so little of other fans' mental acuity or attention to facts?

If it's this big of a deal to you, I think you need to step back and rearrange your priorities a little -- and maybe remove the blinders you've been wearing all these years if you're only just now noticing whom the man chooses to speak out against or support personally when it comes to politics. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I have a bootleg from 1987 from LA for you to listen to......
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martha said:



You haven't been paying attention. You may not remember Sun City and Reagan supporting apartheid. Bono, on the other hand, probably hasn't forgotten. Nor has he forgotten the way Reagan ignored AIDS as it got a foothold in the US.

I don't know why there's always so much hand-wringing and tooth-gnashing when Bono's liberal stripes appear. Deal with it; the man is not a conservative. He never was.

I'm not going to deny that Bono, as most actors and musicians, clearly has more liberal views. ;) However, I stand by the fact that if Bono knew the Reagan family well, he might have been invited to speak. Bono may have declined, but now we are getting too hypothetical.

My stance is that in this particular instance, I don't think Bono is supporting Kerry, Kennedy or Democrats. I view it as him honoring a man, that's it and that's all. Yes, more can be read into it. But then, didn't Bono also speak with numerous right-wing politicians, praising all of them? Seems to me that if he can do that, he can also praise Kennedy. I see no conflict of interest nor any favoritism here.
People are individuals and have their own political views. I think they need to be respected for that. Your favorite rock star/movie actor/athlete is not always going to agree with you politically. I don't think it's worth worrying about.
u2ulysses said:
My stance is that in this particular instance, I don't think Bono is supporting Kerry, Kennedy or Democrats. I view it as him honoring a man, that's it and that's all. Yes, more can be read into it. But then, didn't Bono also speak with numerous right-wing politicians, praising all of them? Seems to me that if he can do that, he can also praise Kennedy. I see no conflict of interest nor any favoritism here.

very well put.

Bono was also very careful to say at TheONECampaign Rally that "we aren't trying to get ANYONE elected. We're trying to get our issues elected... vote for whom you think will support DATA..." and left it at that.

He stood on that stage in solidarity with the VERY rightwing, VERY Bush-supporting Reverend Herb Lusk of Philadelphia, who is one of the biggest African-American RNC organizers in the country. He prayed with Rev. Lusk, nodding his head to the cadence of the man's rousing Baptist-preacher speech....
No different _at all_ than standing on a stage doing the same for Kennedy or Kerry.

Bono has the charismatic gift, to be able to do this with people from both sides of the aisle as it were... AND he has been known to tweak his "liberal American" fans by reminding them that "I'm a Republican....." then with that twinkle in his eye adds " Irish Republican..."
I'd have to agree with those who don't care. Yeah, Bono's hung out with Ted Kennedy-Bono's also hung out with Bush dozens of times, too. I've made it quite clear that I'm not a Bush fan, but he's allowed to hang out with whomever he wants. One thing that seems apparent in Bono is that he tends to see the good in pretty much everyone, even people that a lot of others aren't very huge fans of.

I dunno. It's not really something that bothers me. I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool if Bono supported a candidate I supported, but I'm not gonna get upset if he hangs out with the opposing side. Besides that, there's some people out there who I don't agree with politically, but can still hold respect for.

Bono has always been shilling for the Democrats. He wrote Bullet The Blue Sky to protest Reagan's foreign policy, the he made fun of the original George Bush in Zoo TV concerts. In the Oscar performance of Hands That Built America, he adjusted his lyrics to criticize Dubya.

Bono may be an Irishman but lately he has been shedding off that Irish image and be more of a "citizen of the world" with his humanitarian efforts towards peace and debt relief for Africa. Whether you like it or not, America is the center of the world - what America does, the rest of the world will follow. And whether you like it or not, some people in America care for Bono's opinions and Bono has interests in America's welfare as a humanitarian.

So you can't really say "none of your business Bono this is for Americans only." It is his business to see that the causes he supports are paid attention to. It is his business to be vocal about his opinion.

America is the land of the free, where constitutional rights are well guarded and a democracy well-implemented. The first amendment is very well protected by both law and jurisprudence and Bono is just exercising his right to free speech and free expression.

But just because he supports one or the other does not make his music any better or any less. The music and the causes are two separate entitites.



PS: I started a thread that was just closed. I stand corrected on criticizing Larry for the Ultraviolet take. I thought it was his fault. I guess he really wanted it corrected after all, but was outvoted. Thanks for the correction.
This is a funny thread (I agree completely with wolfeden and Blue Room).

I suppose if we were supposed to follow this complaint to it's logical conclusion, then Bono (and U2) shouldn't have written Bullet The Blue Sky, or Sunday Bloody Sunday, or any of their numerous politically opinionated songs, because it might offend someone, or might go against someone's beliefs or politics. And as we all know, music that plays it safe and goes out of it's way not to offend anyone is just oh-so-exciting.

Same goes for people. You find me someone who never offends anyone, and I'll find you a boring s.o.b. :D
Ahem. I was afraid of this. Apparently a large number of you ignored this statement from my post:

U2Kitten said:
I also agree it makes him look like another liberal celebrity, and while he can do what he wants :blahblah: I don't have to like what I see.

I posted that hoping it would diffuse any "Bono has a right...Bono can do what he wants...lectures, hence the :blahblah: smilie.


I can't help the way I feel. Ted Kennedy is an evil, evil man to me, and seeing my favorite star with him bothers me. I think the reason -->most<--- of you are justifying this and saying what's the big deal, it doesn't matter, is because you like Ted! If it were W. he were 'honoring', you'd be under a rock too ;) :p

*crawls back under a rock until this travesty is over* :reject:
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The 'extended' Kennedy's have been pretty helpful over the past couple of years with Bono's Africa/Drop The Debt campaigns. They lend their political weight to his causes, he lends a bit of celebrity weight to their party. That's the way it works I guess.

Bono/U2 have always been pretty careful when it's election time in the US to not look to be clearly backing any particular candidate, no matter how much they've ranted against particular politicians, or how blatently obvious their political leanings are. Despite the fact that Bono hated Bush Snr and was well and truly pro Clinton, he still felt uneasy about being linked to Clinton in that first campaign. It's not a wise thing for them to do, even more so now that Bono has a lot hanging on the support of WHOEVER is in power. Bono is playing the Washington game now and that means you won't see him get personal or obvious in his politics. He's still honest about it though, he even told Bush to his face that he was "from the other side of the street" to him politicaly.

But for those who would love to think that Bono is a conservative, :laugh: you've been paying no attention.
And for those who dream of U2 unleashing the worlds angriest anti-Bush song, well they're not that stupid.

Everything else that you see is just politics, and thats his game now.
I posted that hoping it would diffuse any "Bono has a right...Bono can do what he wants...lectures, hence the :blahblah: smilie.

I read that. I know that's what you think, and that's cool. :).

Originally posted by U2Kitten
I think the reason -->most<--- of you are justifying this and saying what's the big deal, it doesn't matter, is because you like Ted!

I can't speak for the others, but I wouldn't be in that "most" category, seeing as I haven't really paid much attention to Ted Kennedy overall.

From what I understood, he's attending an event to support Ted Kennedy which happens to be in the town and week when Democrats have their convention. I don't think he ever said anything about explicitely supporting either party/candidate - we know that he had meetings with democrats and conservatives for the AIDS campaign.
If Bush should be re-elected and something bad happens to the aid for AIDS campaign that will say a lot more about him than Bono.

However, with his anti-Reagan and anti-Bush sr. and pro Clinton past, I guess he probably is closer to Kerry than Bush in terms of political views. But again, he has not openly supported anyone, so he is free to go there. He can go to the Republican convention too if that will make some of you feel better and for all I care.

(those lines at the Oscars weren't necessarily anti-Bush; it was anti-war - not taking ANY side. just like Sunday bloody sunday was misunderstood in its time as being pro-IRA.)
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.. I really am indifferent when it comes to Ted Kennedy, the Kennedy's though are a big part of Irish America.... It was nice to see Bono at the Liberal Convention in Canada and like Antitram said it didnt really matter to me who he stood beside it was his ideas and his message that came across that mattered to me. And yes it did reach alot of people thankfully. What I have always liked about U2 is that there not afraid to do or say what they want .

It seems Bono might find Ted Kennedy to be not a bad guy, good for him he must have his reasons and if he supports him I see nothing wrong with him with him showing respect.. I hope he gets up and gives a brilliant speech thet sets a fire under someone .. wouldnt be like Bono to miss an opportunity

What happened after the Liberal Convention was it got the NDP and other politicians fired up about what Canada was going to do .. not just Liberals and then things started to happen ..

I don't think there is a politician who isn't aware of which way Bono leans if they know of him , but they also know when it comes to the issues concerning Africa he is non-partisan and he really is thats what matters , he will hold anyone responsibile regardless of political party .. Maybe he will sit beside Maria Shriver and then we can all talk about how a republican govenors wife was at a democratic event sitting beside liberal activist Bono ..
For me, my final opinion on this situation depends on exactly what role Bono plays at this Kennedy event. Personally, I agree with u2kitten - I despise Ted Kennedy and it will pain me greatly to see Bono next to him in any way, whatever his intentions.

That said - he certainly has a right, etc etc, and while I am very much in support of his Africa work, I think Bono & I generally have pretty different political views, so it's not surprising that he'd like someone I don't.

My bigger concern with this whole event is the possible impact on his Africa work. Yes, he courted conservatives in his cause - but courting them to get their support is one thing. Going to a big shin-dig to HONOR someone is something else. (If he just shows up/videos a little message about their Africa support, then I've no problem with this at all, personally, aside from just generally feeling ill seeing him with Kennedy!)

What worries me is when other people who hate Kennedy (and believe me there are lots of them) see a brief news blip that just says "Bono honors Ted Kennedy", without further context. Right or wrong, there are people who I would love to see brought around to support Bono's Africa work who will be absolutely horrified by this - and therefore, see Bono as nothing but a "bleeding heart liberal" - and a foreign one at that - who wants to tell them how to spend their money, etc etc. To millions of people, Ted Kennedy is not just any old Democrat - he epitomizes the absolute worst of the Democrats in his political views, so say nothing of his personal actions. Knowing how many people feel that way, I simply DON"T want this to undo some of the good Bono's done.
I can absolutley understand how people are concerened about how this will affect Bono's efforts towards Africa.. and I believe if that if Bono though it would effect it in negative way he would not be doing this this emergency is just to important to him to comprimise.. there have been lots of time's I have cringed when I have seen him shaking hands with a politician but in the end for the most part it has worked to his favour in on way or another so I will leave that judgement in his hands .. he is very good at figuring out where he needs to be and what he needs to do and doing he bound to make mistakes sure but don't we all and I don't think this is one of them
I've seen politicians put affiliations aside for this emergency and it was a great moment so it needs to happen even more
it's really what everyone needs to do .. If we are so concerned for Africa then while we are wondering how what Bono is doing will the emergency shouldnt we too take a good hard long look at what were doing as well ..myself included .. as long as I'm sitting back on my heels and not doing more I guess I just feel a little bit of uneasy about throwing stones(or not) at a guy who has done so much more .. and before anyone gets all defensive this is more an insight or reflection of myself then anything to be less quick to judge and quicker to action in an emergency that franlky we are still lossing the battle against.. I wish I had just a little bit more of what Bono has show he has..

sorry to get off topic on Ted Kennedy
So this is really not about Bono or him supporting Kerry or not, it's about Ted Kennedy.

What are you mad at Bono for, then? Especially since it may be he will be talking about AIDS. (didn't Ted Kennedy support the cause?)

I don't get the whole "he's not American so he shouldn't tell us how to spend our money" argument. He's not telling anyone to do anything, he's merely asking governments to do more about the poverty and AIDS. Apart from other reasons (*ahem* history), the richest countries have the money to really change things. Of course he will focus on US, since it is the richest country in the world.
If Bono was only allowed to hang out with politicians who had sqeaky-clean personal records and who everyone agreed with...well, I guess he wouldn't be able to hang out with any of them, and that wouldn't do him much good as far as helping to get aid for Africa is concerned.
I think many people have interpreted Bono's lifelong stance for Social Justice as an implicit endorsement of a "liberal" poltical philosophy.

The two are not necessarily the same.

Bono's involvement in "political" issues - whether in Greenpeace or Live Aid, whether in his outspokenness for the Mothers of the Disappeared or Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and especially in his advocacy for Africa through the Jubilee movement and now with DATA - have been done through a HEARTFELT COMMITMENT to
SOCIAL JUSTICE - not from any "political" agenda.


That ability to stand above the political fray is what has ELEVATED BONO to the level of respectability and influence that he has today amongst so many people of diverse political ideas and cultural backgrounds.:angel:

This appearance has the potential to damage that lifelong perception and respectability. And THAT is what I'm concerned about.



And, in the USA, with our media which likes to distort the truth, this is exactly the way the B-man will be perceived by the majority of American people - as someone who has devolved into partisan politics (whether this is the truth or not).:ohmy:

So, like I said before, I will trust Bono on this one. I have no choice.

But being an American involved in grassroots progressive organizing for over twenty years, I will tell you that I can't see anything positive for Africa coming out of this appearance by Bono in regards to the way that the "average" American voter (who is overwhelming skeptical and slightly conservative) will perceive his appearance at this soiree.

And isn't it exactly THESE Americans that Bono wanted to reach out to in order to expand his coalition for Africa's Future? I don't think this appearance will help that purpose.:(

It is Africa's Future that could suffer as an indirect result of Bono's appearance at this "tribute" and. personally, I DON'T THINK IT'S WORTH THE LIVES OF INNOCENT, DESPARATELY POOR AFRICANS!

BONO - I'M PRAYING FOR YOU ON THIS ONE! :bono: :heart: :heart: ;) :hug:
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