Is Anyone in a Good Mood Today???

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

LarryMullen's POPAngel

Blue Crack Distributor
Jun 21, 2001
I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down...
I am.

I realize that some people's days have been dampened by the passing of George Harrison, but as sad as I am about that (being a huge Beatles fan), I am loving today.

It's Friday, it's payday (Christmas shopping-yay!), and I am just in a great, awesome happy mood for whatever reason, and it feels great!

So, is anyone else in this good a mood?

You've got a head full of traffic
You're a siren's song
I'm in a good mood. Work is much better and our local radio station is playing Beatles all day today in tribute to George. Yellow Submarine is on now! Woohoo!

"It's all about drums."

"What's with all the glitter? I thought you didn't like our mirrorball lemon and shit. Well it's too late to change your mind now." -- Bono, Indianapolis, May 10, 2001

"Tonight with us, we have people who turned celebrity on its head. Celebrities are supposed to be somebody special, film stars, rock stars, we're celebrities. Supposed to be heroes, but we're not heroes. We're very selfish people who enjoy what they do, thank you very much. But here tonight we have from the fire department of New York City, from the police department of New York City, men and women that came down to catch the U2 show tonight. Theirs is the kind of bravery that can truly change the world." --Bono, Notre Dame, October 10, 2001

Whether you love me or hate me you can still email me:
I'm in a good's underwear shopping day!!!

More Than You Wanted To Know...

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
I'm in the best of moods today. Why? U2 are coming back to Sweden next summer!
Read any of the threads about it, one thread here and one in PLEBA. And they are coming to "my" city this time.
I'm jumping up and down in my chair at work today out of pure joy!

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono
Pictures from Copenhagen (shirtless ones), London and Dublin, Slane.
No, not me

My computer conked out last night-the brand new 'surge protector' failed. Luckily, I fixed it.

I slept past my alarm this morning.

It's miserable and raining here today.

And I don't have Larry, Edge, Guy Pearce,or Vince Vaughn

Seriously, considering the problems of other people, and the world, I won't complain

If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
Forgive me if I offend anyone.

But your thread couldnt comes off anymore to me as incredibly self-absorbed.

It's one thing to be sad.
It's one thing to get by.
But to be in a good mood, on such a truly tragic day?

I'm sorry. I don't feel 'good' right now.

And as an aside, for those that your world revolves entirely around U2, you may want to take some time to actually figure out why your idol's world revolves, a great deal, around The Beatles, the members of, and the innvoations, and foundations that they left for us.

It's a fitting tribute that U2 has two Beatles songs play before they go on. I hope they continue that humbling tradition. That put me in a 'good' mood.

</thread diversion>

It's getting better all the time.

I thought this thread was simply a fun, light-hearted thread-took my mind off of what is SO SAD. If I took every thread here seriously, I might spontaneously combust

That's the only reason I replied.

My world doesn't revolve around U2, and I am not self-absorbed-quite the contrary-unless you think someone with a very poor self-image is 'self-absorbed'.
Elvis, I understand where you are coming from.

I feel sad about the loss of George Harrison.

However, I confess that I was not a huge Beatles fan. I only own one album, Sgt. Pepper, and that was because a boy told me that "Lovely Rita" always reminded him of me. One thing that always made me mad is when celebrities die, suddenly people who didn't even know much about that person suddenly act like that is their favorite celebrity and get all depressed.

While I am saddened by the loss because I realize how important he was to so many people (he's an icon, a legend), I must confess that my day will go on as normal.

If that offends anybody, I am sorry.

However, I do not feel it is appropriate for me, as a person who knew little about this man, to be horribly crushed. The same thing with Joey Ramone...I was saddened because I knew how important he was to so many people, but my day went on fairly normal, as I hadn't been a big Ramones fan and knew very little of them.

I'm sorry if you offended, Joel, but do you see where I am coming from?

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

[This message has been edited by Bonochick (edited 11-30-2001).]
Originally posted by Elvis:
Forgive me if I offend anyone.

But your thread couldnt comes off anymore to me as incredibly self-absorbed.

It's one thing to be sad.
It's one thing to get by.
But to be in a good mood, on such a truly tragic day?

I'm sorry. I don't feel 'good' right now.

And as an aside, for those that your world revolves entirely around U2, you may want to take some time to actually figure out why your idol's world revolves, a great deal, around The Beatles, the members of, and the innvoations, and foundations that they left for us.

It's a fitting tribute that U2 has two Beatles songs play before they go on. I hope they continue that humbling tradition. That put me in a 'good' mood.

</thread diversion>

It's getting better all the time.

Boo Hoo...You are saying that no one is allowed to be in a good mood today just because someone that you idolized died ? It's sad, yes...I don't disagree with that, but just because you are so upset doesn't mean that no one else is allowed to be in a good mood today...Just because you see today as so tragic doesn't mean that it's such a tragic day to EVERYONE in the world...

I guess it's the way you look at it Elvis....Everyone was putting a sad face in DoctorWho's thread about his death, but I was tempted to put a smiling face...Only because his family has been releasing statements saying he did not fear death and he has been looking forward to meeting his maker for a while now (remember lyrics, too "I really want to meet you Lord")...He was a very spiritual man so I think it is wrong to interpret his death as a "tragic" event as you wrote. We can use his death to reflect upon his achievements but I don't think he would want us to stop living and being "in a good mood"!!!
Maybe if I add an example, my reply will make more sense:

When Joey Ramone died, I mentioned it to a friend of mine who was on Instant Messenger. His reply?

"Who the hell was Joey Ramone?"

When I told him he was from The Ramones, he merely said, "Oh. Never heard of them."

The next time I saw him was when we were with a group of friends. He was sitting and being depressed and practically crying about Joey Ramone, and two girls were trying to comfort him.

THAT'S the kind of stuff that annoys me. It was like he USED that celebrity's death just for attention (getting comforted for being sad).

While I did know who George Harrison was, I couldn't tell you a single fact about his life except he was in The Beatles.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
I'm in a middle mood. I could go either way. But my next-door cube-mate just lent me "Sgt. Peppers", and that could go a long way towards tilting the scale in the direction of "good." In fact, my work mates in the cubes beside and behind me are playing Beatles tunes as well, in honor of George Harrison.

But Elvis, I think it's slightly rude of you to tag this thread as "self-absorbed". Things affect people differently than others. If some choose to celebrate life, allow them that freedom without criticism.

Liked the guy's music; didn't know him.

Good mood today because the kids aren't at school so I can catch up and get my report cards done.

I don't think it's self-absorbed to not be too affected by the death of a famous and talented musician who I did not know personally. Life goes on. You mourn and then you work your way out of it. Criticizing others who mourn differently than you do, or not at all, isn't the way to make yourself feel better.

...a highway with no one on it, a treasure just to look upon it...
Please don't fight in the light-hearted thread! We all feel a great loss with his death but we can't let it get us down. Keep his spirit alive by remembering all his great contributions to music!
To me the passing of Mother Teresa was far more devastating..Yes, it is sad that George Harrison died, but Mother Teresa contributed and spent her life helping others. Possibly more of an impact world wide. She didn't write any music, but her passing left many unable to hear and see justice in their countries.

I too am in a good mood simply because my family is healthy, I have a great loving husband and we still have today to thank God for being alive. We still move on, even when our own family members pass on.
for all those that are, and will flame me:
u dont get it
its not about a celeb dying
or how much i love the bealtes as a band

did you read a word i said?

do you study history?

do you have any clue how much the beatles added to society and culture around the globe? how much they pulled from various places, and introduced elsewhere? I was born in 1976, I wasn't a hippie, I wasn't born early enough (unfortuantely)... but do you all just MISS the importance of what was an incredible global social revolution, and the fruits of it? and how they now benefit or affect, or are even a part of your daily life today? the beatles were a huge part of that, and some would say incredibly influential in pushing it along. back then there was no internet to spread thoughts and feelings... for most it was music.

You live in today, but you must understand yesterday. Otherwise you really can't appreciate today.

Do I idolize The Beatles? No.
Do I idolize U2? No.

When did I demand you must be sad?

If you still don't get it...
can I trade you 3 one dollar bills for 1 three dollar bill?

Sorry April--I've been crying all morning.

"When you've seen beyond yourself then you may see peace of mind is waiting there

And the time will come when you see we're all one

And life flows on within you and without you"

"All things must pass
All things must pass away"

Peace George
Originally posted by Elvis:

If you still don't get it...
can I trade you 3 one dollar bills for 1 three dollar bill?

If it will make you feel better, yes.

Seriously though, Joel, as I said before...I confess...I know nothing about the Beatles...nothing about what they have done for society...

I'm sorry that I don't know...maybe it's stuff I should know, but I don't...surely you can't hold that against me.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
I am.

I said.


I'm in a good mood. Just bought six comets and a betta.

Atr?eme con tu est?tica
Quiebra mi conciencia
Novato sin pr?ctica
Adicto a tu presencia...
Having grown up with the Beatles, they mean a lot to me so hearing about his death did upset me, especially as it's a little too close to home. But at the same time you can't let it take over.

Remember that he's finally free from his illness and at peace.
Yes, but Elvis if you want to talk about his contribution to music why not go to an appropriate thread???
This one is about someone stating they're in a good mood and hoping to spread a bit of cheer in the meantime...Being in a good mood and appreciating the Beatles are not incompatible you know! (in fact, it looks like their music may in fact be contributing to mine and Sula's good mood today)

[This message has been edited by ladywithspinninghead (edited 11-30-2001).]
Quite good mood here. Was just finishing up the essay for sula's "competition" today.

Yes, i like the Beatles's music a lot. But i don't feel that close connected to the members, i was born in '78 so i don't recall any of their glory days. I mean, sure, it's sad that he's gone, but on the other hand, i don't know enough about him (except the fact that he played guitar in The Beatles) to say anything further than that-and it's not the end of the world.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being happy per se. One of the most important things in life is the pursuit of happiness. Besides, it isn't meant to be offensive towards those who have been more affected by it.

"It's about finding your way into the music." - Edge

"Something inside said this could be everything in your life." - Bono

"U2 as a band does things nobody one else can. I think that is a very powerful thing." - Larry

"Adam believed in the band before anyone did." - Bono

[This message has been edited by U2girl (edited 11-30-2001).]
Originally posted by U2girl:
Quite good mood here. Was just finishing up the essay for sula's "competition" today.

Yes, i like the Beatles's music a lot. But i don't feel that close connected to the members, i was born in '78 so i don't recall any of their glory days. I mean, sure, it's sad that he's gone, but on the other hand, i don't know enough about him (except the fact that he played guitar in The Beatles) to say anything further than that-and it's not the end of the world.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being happy per se. One of the most important things in life is the pursuit of happiness. Besides, it isn't meant to be offensive towards those who have been more affected by it.

This may come as a shock
, but I actually agree with everything you said, u2girl!
finally got the Elevation dvd today

Shake it, shake it, shake it
I'm having SUCH a piece of CRAP day...

I have cramps, my tailbone still hurts (from a fall I took a week ago), I'm EXHAUSTED and I can't sleep because I have to work soon (and won't get off until approx. 11:30 pm), I'll have to miss a local band's gig because of work (I would like to be there), I'm breaking out (lack of sleep? is that a myth??
), and I feel like I've eaten too much though I really haven't (isn't that strange)

so basically I just feel really tired and yucky...

oh well...

"yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away..."
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