Iron Knob, South Australia Superthread

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What will be telling is whether these different time signatures (like 6/8, which Larry seemed to think is something really "out there") show up on the new album or whether Larry goes back to good old 4/4 for the 4/4billionth time.

Anyway, it's past 2:30am here, so I'm out for the night. :wave:
So last night i fell asleep listening to the radio on my phone.

I woke up at 5:30 to hear two songs - Beds Are Burning and The Unforgettable Fire and then i fell back to sleep.

I mean, that's just great luck, isn't it?
where ya goin?

Isnt it great when people talk about you and seem to think you care enough to get mad about it. haha.

Yeah I have. Actually Im not sure where ashley is. But I know shes not in her room. lol.
Work?? Uh, yeah, done a bit, but have a whole heap more to do!! :giggle: Gotta pick the kids up in 10 minutes too....:|


This was just used for real in Pleba.
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