IO: Microsoft Outlook is the worst program ever

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iron yuppie

ONE love, blood, life
May 31, 2009
It just took me two minutes to load a single email. I dare anyone to name a worse program for any facet of tech life.
its pretty terrible...

I think all of the Microsoft suite of programs are pretty much garbage even though I am forced to use them on a daily basis.

None Office related, iTunes is at the top of my shit list lately, there was an update recently and most of my carefully curated music library was completely fucked. It took me days to re-label and re-load it all :angry:
I don't think that taking 2 minutes to load an email was outlook's fault... sounds more like an internet issue to me.
its pretty terrible...

I think all of the Microsoft suite of programs are pretty much garbage even though I am forced to use them on a daily basis.

None Office related, iTunes is at the top of my shit list lately, there was an update recently and most of my carefully curated music library was completely fucked. It took me days to re-label and re-load it all :angry:
Office suite is GREAT. People just don't know how to use them beyond the surface level.
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